Toxic Mold Recovery

5 Impressive Ways Aloe Vera Helps You Detox

Many people flock to aloe vera for sunburns, cuts, and scrapes. But did you know this powerful plant can boost your detox game too? Yep, it’s true! Aloe vera boasts potent detoxification properties. So let’s dive into this soothing succulent and the health benefits it offers.

How Mi Toxin Binder Protects Your Blood-Brain Barrier

By now you’ve likely heard of leaky gut. But did you know there’s a similar barrier between your brain and bloodstream? Your blood-brain barrier (BBB) is a thin layer of cells that protect your brain from toxins, pathogens, inflammation, and disease. So let’s explore how your brain becomes leaky & what you can do!

Zeolite Clinoptilolite: What It Is and How It Helps Your Body Detox

Struggling with symptoms of poor detox like fatigue, skin rashes, and brain fog? Then let me introduce you to my friend zeolite. Zeolite’s effectiveness at binding mycotoxins is what really made it grab my attention. This article explains what zeolite is, how it helps you detox, and why zeolite clinoptilolite is the best.

How Mi Toxin Binder Moves Bile (and Why It’s Important)

I’m a huge fan of binders. Whether you’re dealing with mold toxicity, heavy metal detox, candida overgrowth, or Lyme disease, toxin binders are a gamechanger! They can smooth out the bumps on any detox journey. This is why I decided to create a custom binder formula just for this community: Mi Toxin Binder!

How Toxin Binders Can Smooth Out Your Toxic Mold Journey

Die-off reactions. Ever had one? You’re trying to detox so you feel better, but instead, you’re hit with brain fog, fatigue, digestive issues, and anxiety – and they’re the pits. Thankfully, you can smooth out most detox protocols with the simple addition of one supplement: toxin binders. Good for mold, Candida, Lyme, parasites, and more!

Cell Danger Response: What It Is & How to Complete It

Ever wonder why some people stay sick and others heal? You may be eating an uber-clean diet, keeping your stress in check, sleeping well, and moving your body – yet something could be blocking your progress. It’s a little something called the cell danger response (CDR). Learn how to recognize CDR and what to do about it here!

How to Assess Your (Potential) New Home for Toxic Mold

Recovering from mold illness is a lot like going to college. It can take years, and there’s so much to learn. However, there’s one crucial piece that often gets ignored: assessing your potential new home. To truly heal, you need a clean, safe space. This article breaks down exactly what to look for when searching for your potential new home.

Foundations for Good Health: 7 Often Overlooked Keys to Healing

When you’re struggling with chronic health issues, it’s easy to want to jump headfirst into detox techniques. However, I’ve learned personally and from working with clients that it’s best to start with basics. Many of the most powerful tools for healing are quite simple. But they’re often the things you aren’t doing.

The Low FODMAP Diet: What It Is, Benefits, and How to Try It

Ever feel gassy, bloated, or ‘stopped up’? I feel your pain, my friend – I’ve been there! The good news is, you’re not cursed to live a gassy life forever. With a few tweaks to your diet, you can get your digestive system humming along and say buy-bye to chronic bloating. I experienced this myself by trying the low FODMAP diet.

Why Toxic Mold Drains Your Energy (and How to Get it Back)

Do you seem to always feel tired, no matter how much sleep you get? One of the hallmark symptoms of mold illness is exhaustion. I’m talking bone-tired, deep, debilitating fatigue. In this article we’ll cover why toxic mold makes you feel so tired and steps you can take to get your energy back!

How CoQ10 Combats Fatigue from Toxic Mold Illness

Does it feel like no matter how much sleep you get, you’re always dragging yourself through the day? Are you sick and tired of feeling tired all the time? I’ve been there! Toxic mold can wreak havoc on your energy. This article will lay out why toxic mold makes you so tired and how CoQ10 may help you get some pep back in your step!

4 Ways Genetics Can Intensify Your Response to Toxic Mold

Toxic mold affects everyone in unique ways. However, people with certain genetics can be hit by mold illness especially hard. Wondering if you’re one of them? This article will uncover four genes that can amplify your reaction to mold and offer a helpful resource to get your body on the path to healing.

3 Sneaky Ways Toxic Mold Messes with Your Hormones

Are you struggling with symptoms of hormone imbalance like mood swings, weight gain, low libido, hot flashes, or fatigue? Many people just accept hormonal imbalance as part of aging. When often, there’s another sneaky culprit to blame: mold.

How Mold Affects Your Body

Wondering if toxic mold may be to blame for your chronic health issues? It’s more common than you’d think! Around 50% of buildings in the US have a history of water damage. If you feel like you’ve tried everything, but are still struggling with random symptoms, mold may be to blame. Read on to learn what you can do about it!

30 Toxic Mold Detox Techniques That Really Work

As you know I'm crazy for detox techniques. That's because they really work! DO NOT think diet and supplements are going to get the job done for you. If you are in chronic pain or stress, or dealing with chronic toxic burdens besides mold, you cannot heal without proper detox. Take a look at my A-Z list of detox ideas!

Comparing Electrolyte Supplements on the Market: Which One’s the Best?

Nowadays, there’s a flurry of electrolyte supplements flooding store shelves. Wondering if they live up to the hype? Or if you even need one at all? You’re in the right place. This article will answer all those burning questions so you can decide if an electrolyte supplement is right for you -- and which one. Let’s get started!

Why You Need Electrolytes When Recovering from Toxic Mold

Electrolytes get a lot of attention if you’re training for a marathon or suffering from the stomach flu. However, they’re often ignored when recovering from toxic mold. This is a shame because having a proper electrolyte balance can make mold recovery smoother and easier. Trust me, I should know! Read on to learn how to do this!

Sympathetic Dominance in Mold and Chronic Illness

One of the remarkable aspects of the human body is its fight or flight response system. Unfortunately, many of us, especially in chronic illness and mold, get stuck in the “fight or flight” (sympathetic) response for too long. Read on to learn how to recognize if you have sympathetic dominance and calm your body to begin healing.

Toxic Mold and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity

Did you know that your home could be making you sick? Mold in the home, which can grow in areas with a lot of moisture, has been linked with a variety of debilitating health issues, including fatigue, headache, abdominal pain, and breathing problems. Mold issues also can manifest themselves as a chemical sensitivity in the body.

Is Moldy Food a Health Hazard?

When I got sick with toxic mold, I learned about mycotoxins (mold toxins) in food. At first I thought, “That seems overblown!” However, now I’ve done more research, which I will share in this article. Read on to learn which foods can be moldy, the possible health risk, & how to limit exposure & recover.