Functional medicine - hormones - detox - gut health - thyroid — Bridgit Danner, Functional Health Coach & Detox Expert

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A Functional Approach to a Complex Woman's Health Case

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Stacy is a medical coder and is our volunteer for the Spark Case Review which is part of the Restore Your Radiance Program, our private health coaching program. There are a lot of things discussed with Stacy that can be translated into your case whether menopause issues, PCOS, digestive issues, etc. because all these systems are connected.

While we are no longer offering this particular program, we still offer private coaching and lab review sessions, which you can read more about here.


Here's what you'll hear:

Min 02:25 Introduction to Stacy
Min 03:20 Stacy's medical history & main symptom she wants to reduce
Min 07:25 Health shifts Stacy has made
Min 08:20 Irregular periods & medication taken
Min 13:40 Stacy's diagnosis & treatment received
Min 17:10 High stress hormone levels
Min 20:00 Other treatment options used
Min 21:40 Time/money spent on treatment
Min 24:30 Stacy's nutrition & changes in diet
Min 28:15 Other things about Stacy's health
Min 30:20 Bridgit's feedback on Stacy's health
Min 39:55 Dealing with stress in a positive way
Min 43:20 Stomach flu, constipation & diarrhea
Min 45:20 How the Restore Your Radiance Program works


Check out our current coaching options here!

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If you have not yet joined our community, be sure to grab our hidden Hormone stressors quiz here, and come on board!

Thanks for listening,

Bridgit Danner, Founder of Women's Wellness Collaborative

Journal Your Way to Fertility Health by Nicola Salmon

In the world of google, no symptom, syndrome or side-effect is left unresearched and it’s so easy to become overwhelmed by all the information out there. 

Whether you are trying to work out what supplements to take, which foods to eat or how to reduce your stress, I’m sure you have found hundreds of different things to try. The problem with choice is that you feel like you need to try it all. And when researching on pregnancy, maybe the next thing you find will be *the* thing to help you get pregnant.

So where do you start?

How can you tell what’s going to work without reading every forum post and trying everything there is? 

The good news is, it’s simple. Almost too simple. 

Our bodies are incredible things. There are thousands upon thousands of different processes going on in our bodies every minute that we don't even have to think about. We don't have to tell our body to digest our food when we eat or increase our heart rate when we exercise. The body has the capacity to run and heal itself. 

When we start to listen to our bodies, they begin to tell us everything we need to know. Those annoying symptoms are your body trying to tell you something and when you start to listen, you learn what foods, supplements and habits will lead you to a healthier life.

This is where journaling comes in.

Fertility Journaling

You can start with a simple notepad and pen. Each day write down some simples things such as:

  • What and when you ate. (No calorie counting or judgement, just what it was)

  • What and when you drank.

  • How your energy varied throughout the day

  • How your mood varied throughout the day

  • When and how you moved your body

  • Any symptoms, aches, pains etc

  • Where you are in your menstrual cycle

  • How much sleep you got

With this information, you will begin to see patterns:

  1. You have trouble getting to sleep if you drink coffee at 5pm.

  2. Exercising in the morning makes your feel productive all day.

  3. You get a headache if you haven’t drunk enough water the day before.

  4. Your mood and energy will change depending on your cycle.

  5. You feel bloated in the afternoon after having milk on your cereal in the morning.

This information is priceless. It’s your personal instruction book to leading a healthy life.  

Once you get started with this practice, you will notice your body changing as you react to what it is telling you. Finally you'll have the power to make a difference in your health. 


Found This Interesting?

Nicola Salmon is a fertility coach, acupuncturist and author of the Nurture Fertility Journal. She is dedicated to supporting women struggling to get pregnant and help them make the best decisions around their health and wellbeing. 

Nicola struggled with her own fertility issues and strongly believes that no-one should travel this path alone. Whatever your story, she will support you to choose what is right for you and feel safe in the knowledge that you have made the best possible decision.





To get a quick guide on fertility journaling, you can download her free 7 day nurture fertility journal here

Current Trends in Women's Health Disorders with Ann Melin & Bridgit Danner

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Ann Melin is a functional health coach and my colleague in the Restore Your Radiance Program, which we discuss in this episode. She's our guest this week where we talk about the program and issues we have come across recently in our practices.

While we are no longer offering this particular program, we still provide private coaching and cutting-edge test reviews. You can learn about our current coaching programs here.


Here's what you'll hear:

Min 02:10 Ann Melin's work in the Restore Your Radiance Program
Min 05:30 Bridgit's work in the Spark Case Review Program
Min 08:35 Challenges/road blocks to good health
Min 12:30 Health profiles of women in the program
Min 17:55 Thyroid issues among women
Min 21:05 Gut issues among women
Min 23:10 Interacting with other health practitioners
Min 27:10 What the program offers & follow-ups


Lab Testing for Women's Health Webinar replay
Our current private coaching programs

And here's a video version of the interview on YouTube.

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If you have not yet joined our community, be sure to grab our hidden Hormone stressors quiz here, and come on board!

Thanks for listening,

Bridgit Danner, Founder of Women's Wellness Collaborative

The Benefits of Lab Testing for Women's Health


You are trying to fix your hormones, tame your hormones, survive your hormones…is it working? If not, here’s help and an explanation of why it’s so complicated.

Your body is complex- 11 systems comprised of 37.2 trillion cells working together with 100 trillion bacteria to keep you energetic, sleeping well and thinking clearly.  Source

Our modern environment is also complex. Wi-fi, international news reports, food additives, long work days…we all have a lot challenging us right now.

You are probably already trying to be healthy. Did you cut down on sugar, caffeine, gluten?  That’s great! Are you noticing some steadier moods or a slimmer waistline? I hope so. 

You may also be trying to get regular exercise, and maybe even meditating.  That’s great too!  How about reading blogs like this one and attending online health summits? Yup. These foundations of diet, exercise, stress reduction, and education are all very important.

But what if you are still tired? What if you still have no sex drive?  Raging acne? Creeping weight gain?

You may think, “well I must have adrenal fatigue.”  

That’s the mindset I had several years ago. I was eating really well but still had spotting before my periods and really low energy in the afternoons.  I thought, “Well, it’s the stress. I need to do a better job of handling stress.” But I never seemed to accomplish that.


Later I had a DUTCH (Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones) test, and it revealed something new to me.  It suggested I may have low thyroid function, which I had never suspected. I didn’t have the hair loss, weight gain, etc. that I had learned about with low thyroid.

Important Point #1: Your hormone problems are not always what you think. 

It’s easy to come to a conclusion that you have estrogen dominance, low hormone levels, low adrenal function, etc, but you don’t really know until you test. You can, like me, beat yourself about a diagnosis you’ve decided on and keep self-treating for it, but it’s better to test and really know.

After my DUTCH results suggested I had low thyroid function, I ran a full thyroid panel on myself for the first time. Although I had run blood tests in the past, I had never tested my thyroid antibodies as I hadn’t suspected an issue there.

My results showed a very low level of thyroid antibodies, and I’m so glad I caught it early.  Around the same time I was chronically sick, and, at first, I figured it must be this thyroid issue. 

But soon after we learned that we had toxic mold within the walls of our house, which took me down a deeper rabbit hole of testing.

Important Point # 2: Your hormone problems came from somewhere.

It’s important to realize that your body will not randomly give you a thyroid condition, or any other hormonal imbalance.  It wants to have a working thyroid gland and balanced hormones.

As I learned about mold, I learned that it, among other triggers, can contribute to thyroid issues. This is why I still do not identify with a Hashimoto’s diagnosis, but rather I consider myself a person in the process of healing and clearing deeper causes of illness.

Recently I had a new type of stool test. My past stool tests had revealed some bacterial imbalance and H. Pylori infection, an infection I cleared without any improvement in my gastrointestinal symptoms.  

I was ‘inspired’ to run a GI Map test by Diagnostic Solutions laboratory after interviewing Dr. Todd Watts about parasites on my podcast, and then promptly passing a worm in my stool the next day! What timing. Side note: if you see something that looks like a pad thai noodle or a bean sprout in your stool, but you’ve didn’t eat either the day before, you should be highly suspicious!


The GI Map is different because it looks for DNA fragments of parasite and other infections in your stool.  So it doesn’t miss much.  However, according to Dr. Watts, it is still inadequate because it does not test for every type of parasite.

But for me, a parasite was found, and it did appear to roughly match the specimen I had found in my stool.  I lived a year in rural South America about 20 years ago, and I had suspected a parasite back then.  But you don’t need to leave the country to get a parasite!  Again according to Dr. Watts, “everyone who has a pulse has a parasite.”  According to the Center for Disease Control's website, " Parasitic infections affect millions of people in the United States every year."

I mention stool testing because 100% of the clients in our coaching program have GI issues contributing to hormonal issues.

When you are housing candida infections, aberrant bacterial growth, parasites, H. Pylori infection or Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO), it’s a chronic stress or your body, leading to inflammation, malnutrition or even autoimmune disease. It’s incredibly common, and digestion and hormones are not often enough linked in the medical conversation.  

Important Point # 3: Your primary care doctor probably doesn’t take a functional approach to health care.  

Many people comment to me that they want to feel better and they are very interested in the functional approach, and then their next question is, “Can my doctor run these tests for me?”

Yes and no. Sometimes your doctor to run a full CBC blood panel for you, and have them add vitamin D and thyroid antibodies. However:

  1. Within a conventional medical system, she can’t run labs for diagnoses they don’t suspect based on their training

  2. If she is not a functional practitioner, she will not interpret your results in a functional way, and may tell you you are fine (when you don’t feel fine)

  3. She definitely cannot run the advanced urinary, saliva and stool tests we use because these tests are not available to them through the conventional medical system

You can’t ask your doctor to practice functional medicine if that’s not what she practices.

It’s like asking your massage therapist to give you acupuncture.  It's not within their training.

Our clients can sometimes get helpful blood tests through their doctors that we can review, and I also encourage them to use a Health Savings Account (it’s pre-tax money you put towards health expenses) when possible.

I understand that spending money out-of-pocket on medical expenses is not fun. I understand that many people are living on modest means and supporting kids, parents, and other family members financially.

Our family has spent, get this, at least $100,000 in remediating mold in our house, replacing all our stuff, missing work, moving to a safer space, and treating our health.  And the spending hasn’t stopped because I’m not all healed up yet, and we still have some mold-infected belongings to replace.

Still dealing with mold, over a year after it was found.

Still dealing with mold, over a year after it was found.

So I am sympathetic, but at the same time, I have made incredible sacrifices to heal myself and my family.  And I would do it again in a heartbeat.  

The experience I went through with mold was a huge growth opportunity.  It made me realize how short and fragile life is, and gave me a deep hunger to get well and live my life to the fullest.

I recently read this quote in the book, Gratitude, by author and physician Oliver Sacks, after he learned he had advanced liver cancer, "It is now up to me to choose how to live out the months that remain to me. I have to live in the richest, deepest, most productive way I can."

I had a firsthand experience with the web of diseases and how they interconnect. It was not easy to identify my root causes nor navigate the options for care. 

As a health coach, my experience made me a strong advocate for my clients to persist and get well, even if the path seems impossible to find, or the mountain too big to climb.  

We have women in our program who are too sick to work, homemakers or who are working low-wage jobs. I am fiercely proud of them for choosing to invest in their health. Others have parents that choose to support them in their healthcare, often in cases of infertility where the odds of becoming a grandparent are increased!

It comes down to choosing more for yourself- to believing your health could be improved, which allows you to be happier and more productive.  You also have to be willing to work and to pick yourself up when you have a hard day of symptoms.

If you'd like to have a conversation with me about your health journey and what we do in our functional health coaching program, please check out our current coaching options  Our private coaching program does include choosing the best lab test for your case, placing the orders for you, interpreting your results, setting a protocol based on those results, and adjusting and monitoring your protocol for best results.

Free Educational Videos on our Favorite Lab Testing

In this video, Ann Melin is describing about the DUTCH i.e Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones by Precision Analytical. She will also explain about different types of hormones and organic acids.
In this video, Ann Melin is describing about the GI-Map from Diagnostic Solutions Lab. She will also explain about Stool testing techniques, different types of pathogens, worms and intestinal health.


Bridgit Danner, LAc, FDNP, is trained in functional health coaching and has worked with thousands of women over her career since 2004. She is the founder of Women’s Wellness Collaborative llc and

Choosing a Doula / Becoming a Doula with Bianca Sprague & Natasha Marchand

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Bianca Sprague & Natasha Marchand are the founders of Bebo Mia, a training organization for doulas providing mentorship & community for pregnancy, birth and parenting. In this episode we talk about choosing a doula and if you've been thinking of becoming a doula, you'll find out what it's like to be one and if it's the right calling for you.

Here's what you'll hear:

Min 02:50 Introduction to Bianca & Natasha's training & work
Min 03:50 Working as a team of doulas & where to start
Min 10:15 Who is a doula & what does it involve?
Min 14:30 Bebo Mia's Eco-baby program
Min 17:15 Infant sleep patterns
Min 20:50 Fertility & postpartum training
Min 24:00 Finding a qualified doula
Min 26:55 Becoming a doula with Bebo Mia's program
Min 33:00 Knowing if being a doula is right for you

To learn more about Natasha & Bianca, visit their Bebo Mia website here and follow them on social media:

Bebo Mia's Resources:

Free Online Training Workshop  

Doula Training

Eco Baby certification program

Infant Sleep Educator certification program

Sign Up For Our Newsletter

If you have not yet joined our community, be sure to grab our hidden Hormone stressors quiz here, and come on board!

Thanks for listening,

Bridgit Danner, Founder of Women's Wellness Collaborative

Lyme Disease in Women and Children with Dr. Elena Frid

Dr. Elena Frid is a Board Certified Neurologist and Clinical Neurophysiologist and a specialist in Lyme disease. She is our guest this week and we will mainly talk about Lyme disease which is on the rise, as well as symptoms and testing. 

Click here to download an mp3 of "Lyme Disease in Women & Children with Dr. Elena Frid.

Here's what you'll hear:

Min 01:25 Introduction to Dr. Elena Frid
Min 04:15 Psychiatric symptoms of Lyme patients
Min 05:50 Dr. Frid's training & practice
Min 09:00 What is Lyme disease?
Min 10:50 Lyme endemic areas
Min 12:45 Dr. Frid's Insect Repellant Kidswear
Min 14:35 What other insects can spread Lyme disease
Min 18:00 Percentage of Lyme patients who get their problems resolved with antibiotics
Min 19:15 Rate of increase & testing of Lyme disease
Min 23:35 Lyme disease as a neurological disease
Min 25:15 Lyme disease among women & children
Min 29:15 The connection between gut health & Lyme disease
Min 31:30 Symptoms of Lyme disease & when to test

To learn more about Dr. Elena Frid, visit her website here and follow her on social media:

Dr. Elena Frid's Resources:

Interpreting Your Lyme test, Not That Easy! - how to interpret your lab tests

Insect Repellant Kidswear

Sign Up For Our Newsletter

If you have not yet joined our community, be sure to grab our hidden Hormone stressors quiz here, and come on board!

Thanks for listening,

Bridgit Danner, Founder of Women's Wellness Collaborative

A Functional Approach to Weight Loss with Tara Thorne

Tara Thorne is a clinical nutritionist living in Canada & in this episode she is going to talk about functional medicine approach to weight loss. We'll also talk about intermittent fasting and supplements.

Click here to download an mp3 of "A Functional Approach to Weight Loss with Tara Thorne."

Here's what you'll hear: 

Min 02:30 Introduction to Tara Thorne

Min 04:00 Health effects of extra fat tissue

Min 07:00 Loving your body

Min 07:55 Mindset for health

Min 09:25 Adiponectin Hormone

Min 12:30 Stress, cortisol, insulin & weight connection

Min 16:35 Why cortisol increases with age

Min 19:20 Gut health & weight management

Min 24:40 Nutrition for weight loss

Min 28:30 Protein and weight loss

Min 31:00 Intermittent fasting

Min 36:40 Supplements for weight loss, sugar cravings & boosting Adiponectin

Min 45:15 Tara's coaching program & resources

Purchase the Supplements from the Episode:

We carry MegaSporeBiotic and several others here in our new online shop at

Link to our Designs for Health Supplement Shop

Products to look for:

Berberine-  "Berb-Evail" SKU# BEV060  (CAUTION- Can react poorly with medications. Ask your doctor before using.)

Alpha Lipoic Acid- "Lipoic Acid Supreme" SKU# LAS060

Chromium Synergy SKU# CHR090

Turmeric- "C3 Curcumin Complex" SKU# C3C060

Magnesium Chelate powder 150 gm  SKU# MCP150

Zinc Supreme™ 90 vegetarian capsules SKU# ZNP090

Saccharomyces Boulardii-  "FloraMyces" SKU# FLM060

Omega 3 - "Omega Concentrate” (this is a very high quality absorbable fish oil)

Metabolic Synergy SKU# MSC180  (combination of nutrients and herbs for blood sugar metabolism)

L-Glutamine Powder 250 g SKU# LGL250

Tara Thorne's Resources: 

To learn more about Tara Thorne, visit her website here and follow her on social media:





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If you have not yet joined our community, be sure to grab our hidden Hormone stressors quiz here, and come on board!

Thanks for listening,

Bridgit Danner, Founder of Women's Wellness Collaborative

Cool Summer Symptoms with Seasonal Eating 

It’s summer and it’s hot! And hot weather can flame your internal heat, causing irritating symptoms. 

Sometimes just the outdoor heat alone is enough to flare your temper. Try getting stuck in a summer traffic jam with no AC in your car and two whining kids in the backseat. You have to have some serious zen to stay ‘cool’ and calm.

If you have excessive internal heat already, summertime can mean a flare up of ‘hot’ symptoms like:

  • Acne

  • Skin rash

  • Moodiness (could be anger, depression or anxiety)

  • Migraines

  • Insomnia

  • Loss of Appetite

  • Constipation.

Things like:

  • Eating spicy foods or inflammatory foods

  • Poor detoxification

  • Poor nutrition (ie: not enough healthy fats and water)

Can cause this excess heat. 

Let’s look at how you can use the traditional wisdom of eating with the seasons to cool your heat and get your feeling more balanced this summer.

Many of us now live in heated and cooled homes, with a supermarket within short distance. But it wasn’t so long ago that we lived in caves and huts, hunting, farming and foraging for food.  

In those days, living within the natural rhythms of the season came, well, naturally.  Observing the gifts of each season was the framework in which the early traditions of medicine were born.

In Chinese medicine, five seasons were observed, and the five elements of water, earth, fire, wind and metal pair with the five seasons. 

You may be wondering, “wait, what is this other season?” It’s late summer, and it corresponds with the Earth element. This does not being until late August. As I write this in late July, we are still in ‘regular summer,’ with the element of Fire dominating.

In Ayurvedic medicine, which originated in India, there are five elements as well and three seasons.  These three seasons represent harvest seasons, with Spring being a lean time without a harvest.  The three seasons also match the three doshas (constitutional types). The three seasons of Ayurveda represent two elements interacting; in the case of summer they are fire and water.

Summer, according to Ayurveda, is dominated by Pitta dosha- that hot, irritable, competitive and inflamed type. But I shouldn’t cast Pitta in too negative a light. We all need the fiery nature of Pitta to drive us forward, to digest our food, to energize us.

Ayurveda teaches that heat needs to be cooled with water, but not only plain water, also other cooling, watery things can tame heat.

Here are some foods that can cool you in summer:

  • Fresh, seasonal, organic fruit

  • Lots of filtered water

  • Bitter greens

  • Basmati rice

  • Cucumber

  • Bok choy

  • Lettuce

  • Mint

  • Cilantro

  • Fish and seafood

  • Aloe vera juice or gel

You’ll also want to avoid these foods:

  • Fried foods

  • Heavy, greasy meats

  • Dairy products

  • Spicy foods

Eat a lighter diet in the summer, with salads and steamed foods predominating.  Don’t overeat in the summertime, as this can lead to indigestion.

Chinese medicine has some similar ways to look at controlling heat. Again water tames fire, but note that wood feeds fire. If you have summertime symptoms, you do not want to feed your fire!

Wood has to do with spring season and the body system of your liver. 

What foods burden your liver? 

  • Alcohol

  • Coffee

  • Sugar

  • Food Additives

  • Lack of healthy fats

  • Dehydration

  • Xenoestrogens and other toxins

To avoid caffeine but still have a pleasant summertime drink, try:

  • Keep a pitcher of iced lemon water in the the fridge

  • Try chrysanthemum tea, from the Chinese tradition (more information)

  • Try a Pitta balancing tea, like this one I found online, with hibiscus and shatavari (an herb that is great for women’s health too!)

We have a special podcast, courtesy of Cate Stillman from the Yoga Healer podcast, featuring Cate’s Ayurvedic expertise on summertime, as well of that of her guests Dr. John Doulliard and Kate O’Donnell. Check it out here!

Do you have any tips on keeping cool with diet in the summertime?  We’d love to hear them!


Bridgit Danner, LAc, FDNP, is trained in functional health coaching and has worked with thousands of women over her career since 2004. She is the founder of Women’s Wellness Collaborative llc and