Functional medicine - hormones - detox - gut health - thyroid — Bridgit Danner, Functional Health Coach & Detox Expert

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Organ Meat Recipe: A Traditional Food with Modern Benefits

For much of human history, organ meats were considered a prized delicacy. Though these superfoods fell out of popularity in the US during the twentieth century, they’re making a comeback as we begin to fully understand their incredible health benefits. Learn more about sourcing and preparing organ meats with this yummy recipe!

Pumpkin Seed Cilantro Coleslaw

At first glance coleslaw does not sound like a healthy food! But its main ingredient, cabbage, is a cruciferous vegetable that supports liver detox. Cruciferous vegetables are especially known for their ability to detoxify estrogen down a safer pathway. Check out this healthy version of coleslaw!

Toxic Mold and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity

Did you know that your home could be making you sick? Mold in the home, which can grow in areas with a lot of moisture, has been linked with a variety of debilitating health issues, including fatigue, headache, abdominal pain, and breathing problems. Mold issues also can manifest themselves as a chemical sensitivity in the body.

Broccoli with Cashew 'Cheese' Sauce

Jazz up a nutrient-dense bowl of steamed broccoli with our rich and creamy cashew ‘cheese’ sauce. You’ll soak cashews for two hours in bone broth, then blend them up with a handful of other ingredients. Broccoli and ‘cheese’ are a natural pairing, but this sauce also tastes amazing with cauliflower, zucchini, carrots, and potatoes.