Herbs That Will Rock Your World with Jane Barlow-Christensen
Jane Barlow Christensen is a master Herbalist and co-founder of Barlow Herbal. Her father, Max G. Barlow, worked with Dr. ET Krebs Jr and Dr. Hulda Clark, inventor of the Essiac formula.Jane loves everything natural, holistic, wellness, fitness, and nutrition oriented. In this episode we talk about herbs, Lomatium, virus infections, and Jane's supplements.
Here's what you'll hear:
Min 02:25 Introducing Jane Barlow
Min 05:10 The art of putting herbs together
Min 09:35 Jane's Lomatium formula
Min 16:00 Munityboost
Min 23:35 Jane's turmeric formula
Min 26:55 Chlorella & spirulina
Min 31:35 Heartlove supplement - includes cayenne pepper, cinnamon, & slippery Elm
Min 36:35 Brain Glow
Min 42:15 Jane's parasite products & resources
To learn more about Jane Barlow, visit her website here and follow her on social media:
WWC Supplement Shop
Webinar with Dr. Mariza Snyder
Spring Cleaning Pack
Glowing Vitality Skin serum
Here's the video version of the interview with Jane Barlow.
The Five-Day DIY Detox Guide
Do you wake up groggy and tired, turning to coffee or pastries to get you going?
Add in a simple 5 minute routine to have more energy for the day!
Grab our High Energy Morning Guide and get some spring back in your step, naturally.
Healing Gut & Oral Infections With Herbs with Dr. Rachel Fresco
Dr. Rachel Fresco is a doctor of Chinese Medicine out of California. She's also the founder and President of Bio-Botanical Research. In this episode we talk about her formulations, biofilms, gut infections, essential oils, oral health, and eating healthy.
Here's what you'll hear:
Min 02:00 Introducing Dr. Rachel Fresco
Min 03:58 Dr. Fresco's Biocidin® formula
Min 09:40 Biofilms
Min 14:55 Microbial blends
Min 20:30 Olive leaf extract & essential oils
Min 25:00 Using Biocidin
Min 29:00 Binders
Min 32:15 Biocidin Throat Spray
Min 38:20 Marcons
Min 40:15 Dentalcidin & oral health
Min 46:53 Amalgam filling & detoxifying
Min 52:45 Eating healthy
Min 64:40 Dr. Fresco's resources
To learn more about Rachel Fresco and her company Bio-Botanical Research, visit her website here and on Facebook
Bridgit’s shop
Leaky Gut Solutions Webinar
Dentalcidin toothpaste
Cyrex Labs
Here's a video version of the interview with Dr. Rachel Fresco:
The Five-Day DIY Detox Guide
Do you wake up groggy and tired, turning to coffee or pastries to get you going?
Add in a simple 5 minute routine to have more energy for the day!
Grab our Five-Day DIY Detox Guide and get some spring back in your step, naturally.
Epstein Barr Virus - Could You Have It? With Dr. Kasia Kines
Dr. Kasia Kines is a Doctor of Clinical Nutrition and the CEO of EBV Educational Institute who specializes in the Epstein Barr virus (EBV). Her new ground breaking book on EBV combines medical research with practical applications, written both for the medical community and the lay person in mind. The book will be released in late spring/summer 2018. In this episode we talk about the EBV, Mononucleosis, testing, childhood infections & recovery.
Here's what you'll hear:
Min 02:35 Introducing Dr. Kasia Kines
Min 04:48 How Dr. Kines got into EBV specialization
Min 06:35 Testing for EBV & seeking treatment
Min 10:00 The connection between EBV & other conditions
Min 11:50 How many people have EBV?
Min 15:00 Mononucleosis (mono)
Min 19:05 Childhood infections & lab testing for EBV
Min 27:30 Botanicals & superfoods for helping with EBV
Min 35:00 Flipping your health script
Min 36:50 Olive-leaf extract
Min 40:35 Dr. Kines newsletter & freebies
Min 46:35 EBV recovery
To learn more about Dr. Kasia Kines, visit her website here and follow her on social media:
Here's a video version of the interview with Dr. Kasia Kines:
5 Easy Detox Swaps for Women’s Health
Are you doing all the ‘right things’ but still feeling blah?
Get my list of 5 Easy Detox Swaps for Women’s Health to start clearing out the toxins and reset your system to feel better today!
My Problem with Functional Medicine
How Coaching Makes Functional Medicine More Effective
My early career in medicine began as an acupuncturist. I went to school in a converted old house in New Mexico, with chickens in the parking lot and burritos at break time.
My teachers were mostly from China, and very smart, interesting people. I learned to read the signs of the body. Puffy tongue means dampness. Frequent sighing shows liver stagnation.
Bridgit Danner, LAc, FDNP
As I entered practice, I gave generously to my clients. I used essential oils and did massage. I counseled them on dating and workplace drama.
But when I got sick, I didn’t know enough to help myself. As I looked for solutions, I found functional medicine.
I didn’t know it by that name at the time, but I studied the body systems in a new way, and I studied a new body of therapeutic foods and supplements.
I was fascinated with this new world and reaped some benefits in my own health. I went on to study functional medicine in a more formal way, completing the Functional Diagnostic Nutrition program.
But then one very rainy winter in Oregon, I got really sick. And again my knowledge was not enough. I turned to lab testing and found mold and Epstein Barr. I found some great insight from functional practitioners but also fell into some serious gaps:
There was a rush to give supplements.
There was a ‘this should be working’ attitude.
There was an overlooking of me as a whole person.
One of the most disappointing things for me was the lack of empathy I felt from the functional practitioners that I saw. While I’m sure that they did care, I didn’t hear it in their communication.
I was really sick. I’m talking bone-tired, twitching eyelids, can’t hold a thought for two seconds sick. Beyond expensive supplements, I needed to feel heard and loved. I needed advice on how to make it through the day.
I’m not saying that one functional doc is meant to be an answer to all of life’s issues! When you are seriously ill, it’s going to take a village, persistence, & a good mindset. Eventually, I found a counselor who helped me address the stress of chronic illness and the displacement caused by mold.
As I struggled to figure out my illness, I had to re-calibrate my view of functional medicine. Was it not at all what I thought it was? Was it a waste of time and money?
I am very thankful for my roots in Chinese Medicine and life coaching that gave me a roadmap for how things could, indeed, be better.
My current practice is very progressive. It’s all online, and we run tests from mold to parasites. We have clients all over the world and use video chat and electronic intake forms.
But I have embraced wholeheartedly the old-fashioned values of listening to my client carefully, of reading between the lines and seeing what’s really stressing them and letting them have a voice in how their protocols proceed.
We remember to say, “you’re doing a great job,” and remind you that things will get easier. We help you deal with skeptical family members and birthday cake in the break room.
We are coaches, and we help you navigate the hard parts of life.
The term ‘functional medicine’ was coined by Dr. Jeffrey Bland in 1991 as he and his wife established the Institute of Functional Medicine. Dr. Bland is a nutritional biochemist and we can really credit him for establishing and advancing this field.
Functional medicine excels at testing. It looks at how to best support the body’s systems without doing harm. But here’s the thing...
You are not a group of symptoms or test results.
You are person with a story of how you got sick, and the story of how you get well is still being written. Having a coach who truly listens and lifts you up will be an important a part of your healing journey.
Are you ready for the next level of holistic functional care?
Work With Us!
We would be honored to work with you as a private client. We provide testing and coaching options to women in most every state and country. Come check out our coaching options to see if it’s a fit.
Bridgit Danner, LAc, FDNP, is trained in functional health coaching and has worked with thousands of women over her career since 2004. She is the founder of Women’s Wellness Collaborative llc and HormoneDetoxShop.com.
My Real Life Healing Journey
Tami is part of our staff at WWC and joined our online coaching program as a client about a year ago. She's our special guest this week where we talk about her health history, menstrual cycle, negative self-talk, working at WWC among other topics.
Here's what you'll hear:
Min 03:00 Introducing our guest & her health history
Min 05:12 Puberty & irregular cycles
Min 08:30 Health in high school
Min 11:40 Seeking natural treatment
Min 17:30 Testing with naturopaths
Min 20:35 Online coaching at WWC
Min 23:20 Home cooking & changes experienced
Min 28:20 Negative self-talk
Min 31:45 Personal care products
Min 33:58 Distrust in the medical community
Min 37:10 Testing on the WWC coaching program
Min 43:50 Shifts & improvements experienced
Min 49:30 Working at WWC
Leaky Gut Solutions webinar
Perfect Periods Program
Improve Your Genetic Performance with Dr. Ben Lynch
Hormone Detox Shop: Bridgit’s favorite supplements
The Five-Day DIY Detox Guide
Do you wake up groggy and tired, turning to coffee or pastries to get you going?
Add in a simple 5 minute routine to have more energy for the day!
Grab our Five-Day Detox Guide and get some spring back in your step, naturally.
Case Study: A Functional Approach to Hormones and Gut
How Functional Health Coaching Treats Mood, Gut and Hormones in an Integrated Way
The Symptoms
When Emily joined our coaching program, she was struggling with depression, anxiety, fatigue, and brain fog. She said that she did not have the energy to improve her diet or exercise regimen to support her health. She feared that trying to make major changes could have the potential to elicit panic attacks that would prevent her from moving forward.
Photo by Jason Briscoe
Emily felt “tired almost all of the time.” Up until a few years before joining our functional coaching program, she had lived an active life. She had spent years gaining her education and working as a public health professional. And, at 38-years-old, she found herself barely making it through the day.
Emily had resorted to some of the most common coping mechanisms available: coffee in the morning to give her enough energy to get going, and alcohol at night to help her sleep.
Emily had resorted to some of the most common coping mechanisms available: coffee in the morning to give her enough energy to get going, and alcohol at night to help her sleep.
She suffered from symptoms of gas, bloating and indigestion. Her symptoms eased when she was strict about her diet but returned whenever she wavered slightly.
The First Steps
The first thing we advised Emily to do was to take the huge step of removing coffee and alcohol from her diet. Within a matter of a couple of weeks, she was amazed at how much better she felt, just from those small changes. While this is not always as impactful for everybody as it was for Emily, it does show that sometimes a couple of small tweaks can have big effects.
The Labs
As Emily made those early changes to diet, we ran a handful of functional labs, including:
DUTCH Complete hormone panel
Comprehensive thyroid panel
GI-Map stool pathogen test
Micronutrient (vitamin and mineral) test.
The Test Results
The test results showed that Emily was quite deficient in the stress hormone cortisol. Cortisol is the primary stress hormone but it is also responsible for providing a sense of energy and plays an important role in regulating the circadian rhythms controlling sleep/wake cycles.
Emily was also very low in all of her female sex hormones (the estrogens and progesterone) and she was also very low in melatonin, a hormone that helps promote restful sleep.
Emily's thyroid appeared to be slightly sluggish and she was deficient in seven different important micronutrients.
Her stool test detected two different parasites, an overgrowth of two different opportunistic yeast species, suppressed immune response in the small intestines, and a very strong sensitivity to gluten-containing foods.
Part of the Hormone Report
Stool Test Results
The Protocol
Emily remained free from coffee and alcohol and began to adopt a gluten-free diet.
She started doing moderate exercise, managing her stress levels, eradicating gut pathogens through an herbal protocol, and supporting her healthy hormone balance through diet, herbs, and lifestyle changes.
She introduced some herbal tinctures such as black cohosh, red clover, vitex, and motherwort to support her female hormone levels. She used a product called Adrenotone from Designs for Health to support the adrenal glands and the balance of stress hormone production through the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis.
Emily supported her micronutrient balance through the introduction of a complete mineral support formula and used the Designs for Health GI Microb-X product as one of the antimicrobial blends for eradicating infectious microorganisms. She also introduced Megaspore probiotic to rebuild beneficial gut flora and to support the immune system.
For dietary support, Emily began seed cycling and introduced more healthy fats into her diet. She also incorporated detoxification strategies such as dry brushing and rebounding into her daily routine to help her move toxins out of the body in a natural way.
The Transformation
Photo by Patrick Hendry
As Emily gained energy, she was able to reintegrate exercise into her life and she enjoys mountain biking and outdoor sports of many kinds.
After six months on the coaching program, Emily reported feeling better than she had in years despite experiencing some extreme stress, including the sudden death of her partner’s mother.
Over the course of her six months on the program, Emily gained enough energy and mental clarity to make big decisions about her life, including the purchase of a new home and a desire to have a baby.
Emily is now thriving, pregnant, happy in her life, and excited about her future.
Are You Ready for Your Transformation?
Work With Us!
We would be honored to work with you as a private client. We provide testing and coaching options to women in most every state and country. Come check out our coaching options to see if it’s a fit.
Bridgit Danner, LAc, FDNP, is trained in functional health coaching and has worked with thousands of women over her career since 2004. She is the founder of Women’s Wellness Collaborative llc and HormoneDetoxShop.com.