Functional medicine - hormones - detox - gut health - thyroid — Bridgit Danner, Functional Health Coach & Detox Expert

Grab my New Perimenopause Guide: Muscles, Metabolism and Mental Health

GMO Foods: The Effect on Your Body

Here in Oregon we've got a vote coming up on labeling GMO foods.  I think most people don't have a grasp on which foods these are and how they may effect our health.  So I spent some time today digging deep into the topic.

I was also curious about the battle over GMO labeling.  This initiative already lost in California, and I was shocked to hear it.  Now that the vote is approaching in Oregon, I can see why.  There is a lot of money being invested into this legislation not passing by companies with deep pockets like Monsanto and Pepsico.

Get a Second Opinion on Your Digestion through Functional Medicine

I'm pretty darn excited about the upcoming Digestion Sessions, part 2 of the Second Opinion Series hosted by Underground Wellness.

All the event videos are shot in person with beautiful, high-quality production.  It's so cool to see our 'alternative' health leaders looking like true media leaders on the big screen!

Healthy Decision Making: part 2

In Part 1 of this two part article, we talked about how to make decisions from your heart.

Great!  So you've made a bold decision.  You want to lose 40 pounds so you can have more energy for your kids and yourself.  Or you want to start dating again.  Or you want to cook healthy meals.

Perhaps you've made this goal before, and have gotten all excited for about one week.  But then you got frustrated or scared.  Or you felt too busy.  Or you didn't believe in yourself.

How can you avoid getting back into this quagmire?