Functional medicine - hormones - detox - gut health - thyroid — Bridgit Danner, Functional Health Coach & Detox Expert

Grab my New Perimenopause Guide: Muscles, Metabolism and Mental Health

Hormone Disrupting Chemicals With Sophia Gushee

Our guest this week is Sophia Gushee, a mother of three. She has collected several books to guide her in taking care of her babies. One day she read that there are some cancer causing and hormone disrupting chemicals in some baby bottle nipples. She researched further and found legitimate concerns but was disappointed when she couldn’t find any alternative options for the baby bottles.

She became really passionate about spreading awareness and informing others so that they can make healthier choices. She ended up organizing all her 8 years of research into the book A to Z of D-Toxing: The Ultimate Guide to Reducing Our Toxic Exposures.

There is a lot I can do individually as a mother but there’s even more we can do collectively as a community.
— Sophia Gushee

This is a great interview especially if you're trying to conceive or you have young children. We talk about:

1.       Chemical explosion. 84,000 chemicals have been introduced into American commerce and less than 1% have been tested for safety. By Oct. 2015, only 5 chemicals could be regulated by the EPA. These show up in our lives as really useful products like shower curtains, toys and so many things and they create value and benefit.

2.       Regulation of chemicals, the EPA, and the Toxic Substances Control Act, which went into effect in 1976. It was sufficiently protecting public health and was just updated a few months ago.

3.       Sources of chemicals in our daily lives

4.       Endocrine disrupting chemicals

5.       Effects of toxic exposure -  these may not be seen immediately

6.       Products to avoid due to toxicity and which ones to use

7.       Chemical filtration options

8.       Diet and organic food eating – the dirty dozen and the clean 15

Sophia recently started a podcast series where she shares her continued discoveries about how to live a practical non-toxic life.

To learn more about Sophia Gushee, you can find her on her website and on social media:




YouTube channel

Thanks for listening.

Bridgit Danner, Founder of Women's Wellness Collaborative.

And here's the video where we talk about 3 chemicals that disrupt women's hormones.

Is Your Blood Sugar Taking Your Hormones for a Ride?

Come to me, my sweets!

Come to me, my sweets!

If you're like me, you have a sweet tooth. And if not a sweet tooth, a love of starches, like pasta or chips. And even if you're trying really hard to avoid carbs, you might still be taking your blood sugar for a ride with stress, coffee or lack of sleep.

When I first started to learn about functional medicine, I didn't get how shifts in blood sugar levels were a stress on my hormones. Sure, I knew devouring a giant cookie wasn't a good choice, but I didn't get how it was a bad choice.

For me, knowing how and why are important. This knowledge helps me say no to giant cookies. And when I make healthy choices, my skin is clear and not greasy, my period is not painful, my mood is more even, and my weight is easy to manage.

I'm going to give you a quick summary of the blood sugar roller coaster, and then give you a helpful eBook so you can take action to manage your blood sugar, and tame your hormonal symptoms.

Your body likes a steady supply of glucose (sugar). It uses this glucose as energy for thinking, walking, breathing...pretty important stuff. If you don't have a steady supply of glucose, you can develop symptoms. Some of these can be immediate, like a headache or feeling irritable. Some of these are more long-term, like a lack of hormone production.

So why would you not have a steady supply of glucose? There are two main reasons: low blood sugar and high blood sugar. These two reasons may appear to be opposites, but they are more often connected.

When you raise your blood sugar by having alcohol, a cupcake, a nice chunk of bread, etc., you often take your blood sugar too high, and your cells block any more sugar from coming inside. That sugar that got shut out will usually be stored as fat, and extra fat makes excess estrogen. Meanwhile your cells, which have blocked sugar, won't have their fuel, and you'll feel fatigued, brain dead, etc.

So now you are gaining weight and dragging ass, and you just want a cookie to pick yourself up...but then the cycle starts all over. And your hormonal system, once again, is getting an unsteady fuel supply for its functioning.

Ok, but what if you have good eating habits? Well coffee and stress spike your blood sugar, and excess protein will turn to glucose too. Chronic stress can lead to a long-term state of low blood sugar, as the adrenal glands (your stress/energy glands) also regulate blood sugar and turned stored energy into real-time energy.

In summary, all this blood sugar wonkiness can prevent your body from making hormones, or can produce excess estrogen, leading to symptoms like heavy periods, acne, low sex drive or brain fog.

Does this issue affect you if you're menopausal? Yes! Steady blood sugar is especially important for you as you weather hormonal changes.

Here's that resource I mentioned, my How To Balance Your Blood Sugar eBook:

Have you noticed the connection between your blood sugar and your hormones? Feel free to share below!

Bridgit Danner, LAc, FDNP

Healing Hashimoto's Naturally With Jen Wittman

If you have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, or think you might, you probably got really overwhelmed when researching this complex condition. The gut is involved, but also the immune system, gluten, fluoride, vitamin D, etc, etc, etc.

We tend to get caught up in all the minutiae, and forget about the big pieces of health. My friend Jen Wittman of Thyroid Loving Care can help you stick to the core of healing from your Hashimoto's.

I read her book Healing Hashimoto's Naturally last winter and was pleasantly surprised that this health book made healing from Hashimoto's feel like wrapping up in a warm blanket!

                      Get your free book!

                      Get your free book!

Jen suffered from undiagnosed Hashimoto's for a long time before successfully journeying back to health, and going on to coach other women.

In my own health journey, I can say that saunas and saying 'no' have been just as important as avoiding gluten or taking vitamins. Jen gets that as women in the 21st century, we can easily blow all our time on serving others, leaving very little healing mojo for ourselves.

Anyhow, the reason I'm telling you all this is because Jen is giving a free copy of her book to you for being a part of our community! You can grab it at this link, and you'll also receive great coaching tips from Jen.

                                                    Me interviewing Jen Wittman last Spring

                                                    Me interviewing Jen Wittman last Spring

Hope It's a Big Help for You,

Bridgit Danner, LAc, FDNP

P.S.- Hypothyroidism is a major cause of infertility, fatigue and heavy periods, so please do pick up the book if you have an undiagnosed issue.

PS: From Nov. 07- Nov. 13 2016, we will be having a special week on the podcast and our community called Fertility Week. This is a week on the specialty sub-topic of fertility. We will have an interview every day on the podcast by a fertility expert and we'll also have daily raffles. You can access it on the podcast but if you'd like to get a special download every day and be added to the raffles, we would love for you to sign up here.

Once you register you'll get a welcome email and as the Fertility week starts you'll get an email everyday talking about the day's events and raffles. It's going to be a lot of fun so make sure to sign up and invite anyone who you think could benefit from the talks. I will also be selling my two fertility kindle books during the Fertility Week for $0.99

Treating Hormonal Symptoms With Chinese Medicine With Brodie Welch

Brodie Welch is a licensed acupuncturist and has been treating women with Chinese medicine for 13 years. She fell in love with Chinese medicine while in massage therapy school and took Shiatsu class.

In this episode we talk about:

1.       The challenges women face and how she helps them slow down and restore their yin
2.       The connection between the nervous system and breath
3.       Acupuncture herbs and the acupuncture needle and how the needles connect to the body's intelligence/electrical system causing a profound state of relaxation
4.       The connection between stress hormones and sex hormones
5.       The connection between the kidney and liver; the liver blood nourishing the kidney; congested liver and cleansing
6.       How acupuncture can help women with fertility, menopause, painful periods and irregular cycles
7.       Tongue diagnosis and how the same principles can be used with menstruation
8.       Abhyanga - a practice from Ayurveda that involves warm oil massage and although sounds super simple it can be for wonderful for hot flushes, night sweats, insomnia and settling the nervous system  
9.       How to find a qualified acupuncturist who is competent or specialized in women's health

Brodie’s Resources:

Basics of Chinese Medicine: Your Inner Ecosystem

Free 5-Minute Breathing Break

Brodie has her own podcast and has developed online programs based on Chinese medicine. You can find out more about her from her website and on social media:


Thanks for listening.

Bridgit Danner, Founder of Women's Wellness Collaborative.

PS: From Nov. 07- Nov. 13 2016, we will be having a special week on the podcast and our community called Fertility Week. This is a week on the specialty sub-topic of fertility. We will have an interview every day on the podcast by a fertility expert and we'll also have daily raffles. You can access it on the podcast but if you'd like to get a special download every day and be added to the raffles, we would love for you to sign up here.

Once you register you'll get a welcome email and as the Fertility week starts you'll get an email everyday talking about the day's events and raffles. It's going to be a lot of fun so make sure to sign up and invite anyone who you think could benefit from the talks. I will also be selling my two fertility kindle books during the Fertility Week for $0.99

To get a new interview delivered to your phone weekly, subscribe to our podcast atiTunes or through most podcast players.

If you have not yet joined our community, be sure to grab our hidden Hormone stressors quiz here, and come on board!

Why You Need to Support Your Mitochondria With Susanne Bennett

Sasanne Bennett

Dr. Susanne Bennett is a chiropractic physician and has worked with thousands of clients. She previously worked in chiropractic sports medicine for 5 years until her son was born with a lot of ailments and allergies. She changed her gears and area of practice to find the root causes of his complications. She ended up writing the book “The 7 Day Allergy Makeover”.  

5 years ago she had an accident and had traumatic brain injury (TBI).  Her pituitary gland was squeezing down her blood flow to the master gland in the brain. She had Panhypopituitarism. She was chronically fatigued and later found out that her mitochondria were damaged.

On this podcast Dr. Bennett will be talking about mitochondria, which are part of every cell of the body. They energize the cells and have a very unique role. They can be damaged in a unique way and repaired in a very unique way as well. A lot of diseases that involve fatigue, autoimmunity, nerves system issues or diseases of aging are associated with damage to the mitochondria.

We talk about:

1.       What is mitochondria and how they look like

2.       Functions of mitochondria in the body

3.       Effects of mitochondria damage including sarcopenia/atrophy

4.       Acute and chronic inflammation

5.       How the mitochondria get damaged and causes of impairment

6.       Foods that impair the mitochondria

7.       How older women can rejuvenate their eggs

8.       And so much more

Dr. Susanne Bennett is also the author of a book on mitochondria Mighty Mito: Power Up Your Mitochondria for Boundless Energy, Laser Sharp Mental Focus and a Powerful Vibrant Body.

To learn more about Dr. Susanne Bennett, you can find her on her website and on social media:




YouTube channel  

To get a new interview delivered to your phone weekly, subscribe to our podcast atiTunes or through most podcast players.

If you have not yet joined our community, be sure to grab our hidden Hormone stressors quiz here, and come on board!

Ten Tips for PMS

As I prepared for this article, I googled “tips for PMS.”  Some suggestions were basic but good, such as stopping smoking.  Others were very disappointing, like use ibuprofen for cramps or take antidepressants for severe symptoms.  Yes those are solutions, but only temporary ones.  They don’t get to the root of your PMS problem.  And for actual prevention, that’s what you need.

PMS, or premenstrual syndrome, was first defined as a group of symptoms with no known cause that arises before or during your menstrual cycle.  In our modern culture, it’s become a common term and an expected part of having a period.

PMS is actually not a required part of your life, and it does have a cause: low progesterone / estrogen dominance.  Why you get into this pattern will vary with each woman, but there are a few main culprits.  

For today I’m going to give some of my best tips for PMS I’ve learned over my 12 years working with women.

1. Drink Water

Ok, this one may seem too easy.  You drink it everyday.  But if you aren’t getting enough water for your cells to function properly or for your body to detoxify, you can have symptoms of PMS.  

Some of my clients have relieved their symptoms just by making sure to drink eight 8 oz. glasses of water per day in the week before their period.  

Ideally we should all drink that much pure water everyday.  Tip:  start right away with a glass in the morning, and keep water near you to sip between meals all day.

2.  Get More Magnesium

Magnesium is a mineral that we need to make progesterone in the second half of our cycle, and the we need to prevent menstrual cramps.  

Food sources of magnesium include sunflower seeds, beans, nuts, dark leafy greens, avocado and dark chocolate!  That’s often why you crave it around your period!

If you are thinking, “well I take a multivitamin,” check the amount you’re getting on your bottle. Magnesium is very bulky and the RDA (recommended daily allowance) of 400 mg of magnesium can’t fit in a one-a-day pill.  

Magnesium bisglycinate chelate is one of the best absorbed forms of magnesium, and this is the one that I have chosen to use personally. Click here to learn how to tell if you have a magnesium deficiency, or check out my favorite brand here.

3. Take Fish Oil

Fish oil is anti-inflammatory, and quelling inflammation allows your cells to receive hormonal signals. Translation: your hormones won’t be going wack-a-doodle.  Fish oil also prevents inflammation that can cause cramps.  And it helps regulate the immune system in cases of autoimmunity that can be involved in female disorders such as endometriosis.

However, finding a high-quality fish oil is essential, and it’s not always easy. Read my article on healthy fats (including fish oil) here, and check out my favorite brand here.  

NOTE: My ‘big three’ cures for menstrual cramps are water, magnesium and omega fatty acids.  Take caution not to overdose on sugars (see tip #8) when you add in these three beneficial substances.

4. Eat Fiber

Fiber is an unsung hero for hormones.  To have balanced hormones, you need to clear out old hormones.  How do you do that?  You need to support your liver and digestive tract.  

Fiber helps you move your bowels so toxins aren’t reabsorbed.  It also supports a healthy gut microbiome (the community of organisms in your digestive tract) so that you make vitamins and brain chemicals, which further keeps you balanced. You also get all the good stuff out of food through a healthy gut.  If I haven’t totally convinced you yet, fiber keeps your gut healthy.  An unhealthy gut is a major source of inflammation, which as you learned is no bueno for your hormonal health.

I’m not talking about that weird fiber you buy from the drugstore and mix into water.  Aim for eight different sources of fiber a day from a variety of leafy veggies, root vegetables, fruits and gluten-free whole grains and seeds.  In a week, aim for twenty different sources.  The more variety is the better, so try new foods from the produce section and from your farmers’ market.

You want to get 30 gm of fiber a day, which is kind of a lot.  I get extra by adding hemp seed and chia seed to my smoothies.

5.  Dose Up on Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 is a power compound for women’s health. B6 is needed to make progesterone in the second phase of your menstrual cycle. If you are deficient, you could end up with PMS, a short cycle or spotting. This factors into fertility issues as well.

If you take a good-quality multivitamin, you are getting a dose of B6. But if you have severe PMS, you may want to try a high dose for a few months, along with some of the other tips in this article.

Some food sources of B6 are brown rice, liver, beef, lentils, tuna, banana, cashews, cabbage and turkey.

The RDA for B6 for women in their childbearing years is 1.3 mg.  I would try taking 100 mg a day for 3 months.  You can use the same dose (divided into 25 mg doses) for morning sickness.

6.  Try Borage Oil

Borage oil is derived from cold-pressing the seeds of the borage, or starflower, plant.  This oil is anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and is high in GLA (gamma-linoleic) fatty acids.  You may have heard of using evening primrose oil for PMS, and that is good too, but borage oil is higher in GLA; it’s the highest of any seed oil.

It may be that, like black cohosh, it’s the potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of borage oil that enable your glands and organs to function correctly, thus alleviating PMS.

I recommend 1 capsule a day in the two weeks before your period.

7.  Get Sleep

When you sleep, you heal.  You make growth hormone and repair tissues. When you don’t sleep, you get cranky and have food cravings.  Then you eat a doughnut, feel guilty and feel sick.  

When you are trying to fix PMS, you want to create as much stability as possible in your body. This makes the changes that come with a menstrual cycle much easier to endure.  

So please get about eight hours of sleep each night.  Some of us need a bit more, and some a bit less.  Your sleep timing is also important.  At 10 PM your adrenal glands start to repair, so you want to be sleeping like a beauty by then.

8.  Avoid the Sweet Stuff

What do processed sweets and starches, pumpkin lattes and wine have in common?  They all disrupt your blood sugar and contribute to PMS.  I know it’s not what you want to hear, but it’s so, sister.

When your blood is often high is sugars, your cells block more sugars from coming inside.  This is called insulin resistance.  (Insulin is the hormone that helps delivers the sugars.)  This insulin lingering in your blood can cause increased production of testosterone, which converts to estrogen, and now you have that estrogen dominance / low progesterone state of PMS.

I invite you to spend a full menstrual cycle avoiding the sweet stuff and trying these other tips and see what happens in your cycle.  If you think about giving up lattes forever, it’s too much.  But you can commit to a month, and once you fall off the wagon and symptoms resurface, it’s much easier to choose to avoid the sweet stuff.  

If you are going to eat a processed carbohydrate or sweet, pair with protein, fat and fiber so it won’t spike your blood sugar as much.

Tips 9 & 10: Acupressure and Essential Oils

These times are brought to you, in video form, by my friend and colleague, Brodie Welch, LAc.  Enjoy!

What are YOUR best tips for PMS? We'd love to read them in the comments below!

Have a friend who is struggling with PMS? Please post this article on social media and tag her.

More Help for Your Hormones

Do you wake up groggy and tired, turning to coffee or pastries to get you going?     

Add in a simple 5 minute routine to have more energy for the day!    

Grab our Five-Day DIY Detox Guide and get some spring back in your step, naturally.  

Have a complex case? Learn about our testing protocols for handling tough cases, or check out our coaching options to see if this is a fit for you.

The Hormonal Imbalances That Make You Gain Weight With Cammi Balleck


Our guest this week is Cammi Balleck. She is a naturopath and a previous guest of Women's Wellness Radio. She returns to the show to talk about weight loss and hormones.

Cammi believes that diet and exercise are not enough. When treating patients, she looks at the entire hormone system.

In this episode, we talk about hormonal imbalances and the next steps to take if you have been doing everything right but can’t lose weight. We also talk about:

- Estrogen and progesterone ratio balance.

- Hormonal birth control and hormonal creams

- Cortisol (stress hormone). Belly fat can be linked to high levels of cortisol

- Insulin resistance and its association with weight loss

- Benefits of adaptive exercises and yoga, Pilates, meditation and others that do not involve high levels of activity

- Testosterone and its functions in the body.

- Leptin, also known as the weight loss hormone

- Inflammation

- Neurotransmitter hormone – Serotonin

- Epstein–Barr virus and how it can affect hormones

- Tips to help in weight loss

You can learn more about Cammi Balleck on her website. She has a blog and you can find an article she wrote "Is Your Body Resistant to Weight Loss?".

You can buy a hormone test kit from her website and she will provide free results evaluation after you take the test. 

You can follow Cammi on:



Thanks for listening.

Bridgit Danner, Founder of Women's Wellness Collaborative.

To get a new interview delivered to your phone weekly, subscribe to our podcast atiTunes or through most podcast players.

If you have not yet joined our community, be sure to grab our hidden Hormone stressors quiz here, and come on board!

A Holistic Approach To Adrenal Healing With Kelly Graham

Kelly Graham

Our topic this week on the Women's Wellness Radio is adrenal health. Our guest is Kelly Graham, a nutritional therapy practitioner (NTP) who works with patients to bring them back to the basics, that is guiding them on nutrient dense foods and providing good recommendations on supplementation.

Growing up, Kelly's gut health started going down in her late teenage years. She also had amalgam/mercury filings which negatively affected her health. She worked as a chef and on many occasions worked till late which was chaotic to her body! She had excess weight, her lymph glands were frequently swelling, and was constantly feeling tired even after sleeping for almost 12 hours! She was misdiagnosed and told that she had hypothyroidism and possibly Hashimotos while in fact she had adrenal fatigue.

In this episode we talk about:

  1. How one's eating environment when growing up can affect gut health

  2. Adrenal glands - what they are,what they do, how to find them (where they are located)

  3. Adrenal hormones and their functions including cortisol,sex hormones like DHEA, pregnenolone,progesterone, and testosterone

  4. Taking hormones - when there are low levels in the body

Kelly also talks about symptoms to look out for like:

1. Feeling overwhelmed - having a hard time making decisions, constipation, diarrhea, low sex drive, low blood sugar, mental fog
2. Increased cravings for some foods e.g sugary and salty foods
3. Difficulty getting started in the morning
4. Sleeping for many hours but still feel exhausted

Listen to this podcast to get some tips on recovering from adrenal deficiency like the importance of quality sleep, good dieting, body shaming and so much more.

For more resources on adrenal health and adrenal fatigue from Kelly Graham, you can find her on:

Facebook Page
Facebook Group

Thanks for listening.

Bridgit Danner, Founder of Women's Wellness Collaborative.

To get a new interview delivered to your phone weekly, subscribe to our podcast atiTunes or through most podcast players.

If you have not yet joined our community, be sure to grab our hidden Hormone stressors quiz here, and come on board!