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Anti-Inflammation Cooking Video

To be healthy, you need to know how to cook!  I aim to help you get more comfortable in the kitchen with fresh, healthy dishes that taste great while healing and nourishing your body.

Watch this 4 minute video to learn three potent ingredients to combat the ever-persistent presence of inflammation.

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Anti-Inflammatory Solutions for Fertility: Part 1

Ah, inflammation.  It does such a good job of gumming up the works of just about everything in the body.  Today we'll start a series learning more about inflammation, what it does to our fertility, and what to do about it.


Why should you care about reducing inflammation?  Because it can disrupt your hormonal system as well as cause blockages in your fallopian tubes and uterus, thus preventing pregnancy.

Are You Getting Enough VARIETY in Your Veggie Choices?

When you visit the produce section, do you tend to grab your usual stand-bys? Maybe a lettuce, a broccoli and a bag of carrots?  How often do you venture out of the box, and try a fresh herb or vegetable you've never cooked with before?

In today's article, we'll explore why it's important to find variety in your veggie selection, and how to do it.

Why Fiber is Fabulous for Women's Health

Fiber is a filament substance found in plants that the human body cannot break down. The two types of fiber are soluble fiber and insoluble fiber.

Soluble fiber can dissolve in water and is found mainly in oats, beans, tubers and fruit. Soluble fiber helps to control blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

Soluble fiber can be broken down by bacteria in your gut. For healthy flora in the large