Functional medicine - hormones - detox - gut health - thyroid — Bridgit Danner, Functional Health Coach & Detox Expert

Grab my New Perimenopause Guide: Muscles, Metabolism and Mental Health

What in the World is Peri-menopause?

What in the World is Peri-Menopause-.jpg

If I were to ask 10 women on the street, “What is peri-menopause?,” I would probably get just 1 out of 10 who would know the answer, at best.

Peri-menopause is the about 10 year period before the full stopping of your period, called menopause. The stopping of your menstrual period doesn’t just come out of nowhere, it happens after a slow decline of ovarian function.

Your ovaries, the two little organs that shoot out an egg every month when you ovulate, come to life at puberty, and peak around 27 years of age.  After that, their function starts to decline very gradually, and then much more rapidly.

If you recall your teenage years, you may remember having acne, mood swings and irregular periods.  This was because your brain was learning to work with your newly active ovaries together.

At peri-menopause, you may also have hormonal symptoms, that could include:

  • Heavy periods

  • Early periods

  • Missed periods

  • Anxiety

  • Insomnia

  • Weight Gain

  • Forgetfulness

So why do the symptoms of peri-menopause happen?  

Sadly, you can’t live forever, or make babies forever. Your genes are programmed to turn on your reproductive powers at puberty, and gradually fade them before menopause.

As you entered puberty, your ovaries started making estrogen, the dominant female hormone, like crazy. You grew breasts and hips and your periods may have been really intense.

You rode this nice estrogen high with gorgeous skin and a healthy sex drive in your 20s. But as you aged, your ovarian function declined and you made less estrogen, slowly.  

Just like in puberty, the brain is trying its best to work with the ovaries at peri-menopause.  Some months it's pushing them to work harder, and estrogen level go up. Other months estrogen levels are low.  This is a normal aspect of peri-menopause, but it can result in symptoms.

Because the eggs in the ovaries aren't as prime in our older years, their function is less robust. This leads to less progesterone production, the hormone that is made after your ovulate, in the second half of your cycle. It is also normal that progesterone declines, but this change can again cause symptoms.

Here’s one last detail: you make a certain type of estrogen, estradiol, in your reproductive years.  As you shift towards menopause, another type of estrogen, estrone, becomes dominant. But that shift is a little rough on your body, because it got used to using estradiol for many years.

You don’t have to be a victim of your changing hormones. Once you get to know your hormones and what they need, you can be the hero in your own hormone story.

Stayed tuned for information on how to best take care of yourself in these years to avoid symptoms as much as possible!

Bridgit Danner is at the author of this article and the founder of Women's Wellness Collaborative.

She designed a private, collaborative coaching service exclusively for women which utilizes the accuracy of functional medicine for outstanding results.  

See our current private coaching options here.

The Wahls Protocol for Autoimmunity With Dr. Terry Wahls

Dr. Terry Wahls is a clinical professor of medicine, clinical researcher and an author of the book “The Wahls Protocol”.  She was diagnosed with secondary progressive multiple sclerosis which confined her to a tilt-recline wheelchair for four years but recovered and is now a cyclist!

Click here to download an mp3 of "The Wahls Protocol for Autoimmunity with Dr. Terry Wahls".

Sign Up For Our Newsletter 

If you have not yet joined our community, be sure to grab our hidden Hormone stressors quiz here, and come on board!

Here's what you'll hear: 

Min 01:30 Introduction to Dr. Terry Wahls

Min 05:50 Multiple sclerosis (MS) & its progression

Min 09:10 Steps to recovery and healing

Min 17:00 Terry's work helping other patients during her recovery period

Min 25:50 The relationship between MS & autoimmunity

Min 28:40 Stem cells and myelin sheath regeneration

Min 33:40 Preventing Multiple sclerosis (MS) & other autoimmune diseases

Min 38:00 Terry's autoimmune books

Min 40:00 Mitochondrial function & support

To learn more about Dr. Terry Wahls, visit her website here and follow her on social media:


Dr. Terry’s Resources: 

The Wahls Protocol: A Radical New Way to Treat All Chronic Autoimmune Conditions Using Paleo Principles

The Autoimmune Paleo Cookbook

The Wahls Protocol Cooking for Life

Private Coaching with Bridgit 

Learn about our current private coaching programs HERE.

Thanks for listening,

Bridgit Danner, Founder of Women's Wellness Collaborative

To listen to a previous podcast I did with Susanne Bennett on Mitochondria Support, please click here.

Back to Natural Living With Natacha Moitinho

Our guest this week is Natacha Moitinho, an author from Portugal, who will be sharing her life story and her book about natural living "Back to Natural – How to Wake Up From Your Toxic Life, Tune in to Your Body, and Create Healthy, Loving Habits".

We also launched our new one-on-one coaching program "Restore Your Radiance" last month. Click here learn more about it.




Click here to download an mp3 of "Back to Natural Living with Natacha Mointinho".

Here's what you'll hear:

Min 03:00 Introduction to Natacha
Min 04:00 Natacha's early work and career in Journalism
Min 12:20 Natacha's experience as a volunteer in different countries
Min 16:00 Natacha's health and lifestyle in her younger days
Min 20:30 Women's struggles with health and diet
Min 22:30 New life in The Azores
Min 27:00 Taking the Pill
Min 29:00 Eating and living organic
Min 32:50 Details about Natacha's book
Min 37:50 Small changes we can make to improve our lives

Click here to learn more about Natacha's book. You can also visit her website here to find out more about her and follow her on social media:


Sign Up For Our Newsletter 

If you have not yet joined our community, be sure to grab our hidden Hormone stressors quiz here, and come on board!

Thanks for listening,

Bridgit Danner, Founder of Women's Wellness Collaborative

Heavy Periods With Bridgit Danner

This is our second edition of the hormone report which is a short episode where I dive deeply into a particular hormone subject and today's podcast is on heavy periods, which is very common and can happen to women at any age.

Also, we launched our new one-on-one coaching program "Restore Your Radiance,” which you may hear mentioned in the show. While we don’t run this program currently, you can check out our current coaching option here.

This week's episode is a short one and I'll be doing more of these in-depth instructional reports about hormone conditions in the coming weeks.

Click here to download an mp3 of "Heavy Periods with Bridgit Danner."

Here's what you'll hear:

Min 01:00 Details from the beta launch of our Restore Your Radiance Program
Min 02:15 Introduction to the heavy periods hormone report
Min 02:40 How much is too much?
Min 03:50 The main causes of heavy periods
Min 09:00 What to do about heavy periods

We can also help you with a customized program if you're frequently having heavy periods. We've got a team of functional nutrition coaches, so if you feel that you need some guidance or you'd like to get some functional lab testing to see what exactly your hormones are doing, we can test and find that out for you.

Sign Up For Our Newsletter 

If you have not yet joined our community, be sure to grab our hidden Hormone stressors quiz here, and come on board! 

Thanks for listening,

Bridgit Danner, Founder of Women's Wellness Collaborative