Functional medicine - hormones - detox - gut health - thyroid — Bridgit Danner, Functional Health Coach & Detox Expert

Grab my New Perimenopause Guide: Muscles, Metabolism and Mental Health

Gluten-Free Dairy-Free Strawberry Shortcake

This rich, nourishing strawberry shortcake recipe is the perfect special occasion summer treat. Bring these shortcakes to your next BBQ or picnic and rest easy knowing that you’re supporting the health of your loved ones while serving them a delicious dessert!

Top 3 Supplements for Fertility

Many Americans suffer from nutrient deficiency, and as you may suspect, this can significantly impact fertility. But there are thousands of different supplements you can take. Which ones will help with infertility? Where do you get them? Do they even work? We’re here to share 3 top research-backed supplements and tips!

5 Surprising Side Effects of Statins, and What to Do About Them

If you suffer from high cholesterol or are at risk for heart issues, it definitely pays to be aware of the interactions between statins and CoQ10 levels. Here’s the unfortunate truth: statins may lead to low CoQ10 levels, which can be dangerous and affect your energy levels. But there are actions you can take; continue reading to learn more!

Anti-Aging Chicken Curry

When you think of curry you probably think of a heavy, creamy dish, rich in an orange color. But get ready for curry reinvented. This coconut chicken curry is lighter than your usual curry dish, loaded with flavor, and perfect for a warm sunny day. The natural collagen included is known to reduce signs of aging, too!

What to Do with All That Zucchini

June equals summer and summer equals a colorful harvest of warm-weather produce…. including zucchini. Has the overabundance of zucchini produced by your garden has caused you to lose interest in this vegetable-like fruit? We’re here to help you fall back in love with this nutrition powerhouse with some yummy ideas!

How to Increase Athletic Performance and Recovery at Any Age

We all know the importance of becoming more athletic and how it can improve heart health, reduce brain fog, and keep our bodies strong throughout the course of our lives. But have you ever felt like you’re not completely recovering from exercise? The culprit may be oxidative stress--learn what to do about that here!

My 4 Favorite Skincare Secrets

When I was younger, I had zero appreciation for good skincare and used products from the drug store. I had acne and an inflammatory diet. While in China, studying Chinese Medicine, I had a French classmate who turned me on to facials. Since then I take much better care of my skin, naturally! Learn my tips here >>>

Yummy Dairy-Free 'Cheese' Dip

If you love queso dip, but are trying to reduce or eliminate your intake of dairy, this dip is exactly what you need. I hardly ever buy real queso anymore because it’s just that good! Plus, it’s only 6 ingredients, and one of those is water! Make this for your next taco Tuesday and see if anyone notices it isn’t actually cheese.

Ten Ways to Cut Your Sugar Cravings

If you’re constantly craving sugar, you’re not alone. Some studies have even found sugar can be even more addictive than street drugs such as cocaine! This is alarming, considering high sugar diets may increase your risk of chronic illness. So let’s explore what causes sugar cravings and how you can tame them!