Andrea Thorpe — Functional medicine - hormones - detox - gut health - thyroid — Bridgit Danner, Functional Health Coach & Detox Expert

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Andrea Thorpe

The Effects of Long-Term Birth Control Use with Andrea Thorpe

The birth control pill is an easy-to-use, affordable way to avoid pregnancy.  But are there any risks?  

Many women do have symptoms, such as loss of sex drive or weight gain, but beyond that, most women don't know much about the health-related side effects.

In this interview, Andrea Thorpe, LAc opens the lid on the topic of the possible effects of long-term birth control use.  Many women are on birth control pills for 10-15 years, and the long-term effects are something to be considered:

  • Synthetic estrogen dysregulates the thyroid

  • Birth control pill casues nutrient depletion

  • Hormone receptor site have a downregulated response

  • Toxic burden on the system of long-term medication use

  • Toxic/ inflammed state and nutrient depletion affects the gut and immune system

  • Autoimmune disease Hashimoto's thyroiditis then becomes a possiblity

  • Ovulation and fertility are often delayed after birth control use

Andrea also covers some of the healing options such as:

  • How acupuncture benefits the system

  • Why Andrea prefers foods over supplements

  • When it's time to see a functional medicine practitioner

Andrea is an amazing practitioner, and if you can see her in the LA area, I highly recommend her. Her clinic:

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Cycle Changes After 35 with Andrea Thorpe, MS, LAc, FABORM

If you are experiencing new hormonal symptoms as you age, check out this episode.  

Our guest Andrea Thorpe, of Lotus Center of Integrative Medicine in Los Angeles, is an acupuncturist, a functional medicine practitioner, and PhD candidate in Chinese Medicine.  She specializes in treating women's health and infertility in her practice, and is often treating women who are 35 and up and stuggling with their hormones.

PCOS, Thyroid and Hashimoto's: Free Resources this Week

The Hashimoto's Institute free online educational event begins Sign Up Here.

This very cool event is organized by Andrea Nakayama, Dr. Izabella Wentz, and Dr. Alan Christianson.  It features a step by step approach to Hashimoto's over 8 days.  Check it out