Functional medicine - hormones - detox - gut health - thyroid — Bridgit Danner, Functional Health Coach & Detox Expert

Grab my New Perimenopause Guide: Muscles, Metabolism and Mental Health

How to Sort Your Moldy Stuff: What to Keep and What to Toss

Discovering your home has toxic mold brings up a lot of emotions: relief at finally getting some answers to your mystery health issues…. hope that in time your nagging symptoms will disappear… and overwhelm at the thought of tackling the whole remediation process. But don’t worry, I’ve got you covered!

Is Toxic Mold to Blame for Your Chronic Digestive Issues?

Chronic digestive problems can make life uncomfortable, and at times… embarrassing. Unfortunately, many people struggle with chronic digestive issues for years and even decades before getting to the root cause of their issues. While there are several causes of gut dysfunction, one is often overlooked: mold.

25 Ways to Effectively Detox the Lymphatic System

Is your lymph system backed up? Do you need to support your lymph system, or is that just some woo woo non-sense? In this article, you’ll learn a bit about the lymphatic system, the signs and symptoms of lymphatic congestion, what causes it, and how to get that lymph moving to feel your best!