Functional medicine - hormones - detox - gut health - thyroid — Bridgit Danner, Functional Health Coach & Detox Expert

Grab my New Perimenopause Guide: Muscles, Metabolism and Mental Health

How to Honor Your Baby's Microbiome

A Little Story about Healthy Babies...

When I was practicing acupuncture more, I saw a lot of ladies at the end of their pregnancy, who wanted support in preparing for labor.  These ladies were brand new to me, and I'd always ask what supplements they were taking, and what foods they were eating.

I would often cringe to hear that they weren't consuming probiotics, and recommend that these moms-to-be consume probiotics foods and supplements. We know now that baby is exposed to bacteria from the birth canal/anus or the bacteria floating around in the surgery room, if C section delivery (link).  

But also the bacterial environment of the mother affects baby's health in utero (link).  Taking it a step further, your microbiome health will affect your ability to conceive and carry to term. 

Even if you never plan to have kids, our microbiome supports so much of hormone regulation, it's important to every woman.

So what can you do to honor your microbiome, and your baby's microbiome?  

You can consume kombucha, raw sauerkraut or kimchi, or coconut yogurt.  You can eat a wide variety of vegetables to provide pre-biotic food to your microbiome. You can avoid foods that can irritate your gut such as processed grain, caffeine and sugar.  You can take a high-quality, broad-spectrum probiotic.  (Tip: the shelf stable ones are sometimes better than the dairy-based refridgerated ones.)

You can also attend this week's free Microbiome Summit, with over 30 free, expert interviews about our microbiome.  

I don't attend every summit out there, but I'm very curious about this area that we are just starting to grasp.  Very exciting stuff!

I want women to really get the importance of this area, and how we can nourish it, for our sake, and the sake of our healthy babies.  Join the free Microbiome Summit here.

Hugs and Health, Bridgit

Weight Loss Starts with Trust with Michelle Hastie Thompson

As a health practitioner and educator, I am very cautious about talking about weight loss. Though I know that many women struggle with weight, I don't like to emphasize the weight aspect of health, or encourage any sort of particular diet to lose weight.

There is one 'style' of weight loss advice I feel good about, and our guest today, Michelle Hastie Thompson, espouses that style, so she got to come on the show!

This style involves self-love and self-awareness.  I am not a proponent of if you have the right mindset, you can eat anything, but I am a proponent of making any changes to our health starts with a healthy mindset.

And this is the truest with weight loss.  If we feel badly about ourselves, and mistrustful of food and our bodies, can cannot have feel good about our weight no matter how much we weigh.

Join Michelle and me as we learn:

  • Why trust is step one to losing weight

  • How you can let go of the fear of weight gain

  • Managing pregnancy weight gain and post-partum weight loss

  • How to cultivate presence, with food and in life

  • Learning to love yourself right now, not when you lose weight

  • Learning to use your intuition about food

  • How excess weight is a gift to learn life lessons

  • How to move into 'ideal weight consciousness'

More about our guest:

Michelle Hastie Thompson is the author of The Weight Loss Shift: Be More, Weigh Less, available on Amazon.  She is also a mind -body health coach Total Body Health Solutions, and was trained at the Institute for the Psychology of Eating.

She speaks about the struggle with weight from her own experience of being obsessed with exercise and calorie counting, and gaining weight nonetheless.  After she got injured and was laid out on the couch doing nothing, she lost weight.  Confused and intrigued, she started to research.

More about your host:

Bridgit Danner is a women's health educator at Women's Wellness Collaborative, an online resource for education on hormones, and inspiration on healthy lifestyle.

Pick up here free interactive hormone stressor quiz here, and look at other resources available through Women's Wellness Collaborative.

Not subscribed?  We invite you to subscribe to our weekly show in iTunes or most podcast players.  You can support our show's success by writing us a review at iTunes.  Thanks!

Five Questions and Answers About Surrogacy

Five Questions and Answers About Surrogacy

Today surrogacy is in the news more frequently than ever before -  it seems that

barely a month goes by that a celebrity is showing off their new bundle of joy – a 

baby born through surrogacy. 

But surrogacy isn’t limited to celebrity circles, it’s a viable solution for women who 

suffer from physical issues that affect their ability to safely carry a baby to term.  

When it comes to the actual facts of the surrogacy process, how much 

do you know?

Can We Treat Fibroids Naturally? with Dr. Allan Warshowsky


I was honored to interview Dr. Allan Warshowsky, author of Healing Fibroids: A Doctor’s Guide to a Natural Cure.  Dr. Allan is a pioneer in progressive and integrative care for women's health, doing it long before it was popular, and out of frustration that he couldn't get results for his patients with conventional care.

With his wife Priscilla, he now runs a small wellness practice in Rye, NY, and sees clients from all over the world.


Dr. Allan tells us that 30-70% of women get fibroids, and he estimates that 80% of fibroid surgeries could be avoided.

His approach includes:


  • Reducing inflammation

  • Restoring hormone imbalance

  • Detoxification

  • Gut repair

  • Blood sugar balancing

  • Caster oil packs or poke oil packs

  • Creating connection to fibroids with massage, visualization 

  • Moving into parasympathetic mode of nervous system with meditation, gratitude

  • Dry skin brushing

  • Breast massage

  • Clearing chakra issues

  • Elimination diet- including removing allergenic and GMO

"Being in the moment is the only time to heal and have joy."

Learn how to prevent fibroids, or if you are a good candidate to treat your fibroids naturally!

Listen below of subscribe 'Women's Wellness Radio' on your podcast player, for best health results!!


American Board of Integrative Holistic Physicians

Holistic Care of Pregnancy and Babies with Laura Brayton, DC

Dr. Laura Brayton, DC is definitely an expert on holistic care for pregnancy and children, so I'm glad to have her on the podcast to answer some of the questions I commonly get from women.

Here are some cool things I learned on the episode:

  • How the prejudge against natural medicine got started, and why it's shifting

  • The best first foods for babies

  • Know the signs that your baby isn't yet ready for solid food

  • How adjustments are safe and beneficial for pregnancy and kids

  • How your pregnancy adjustments also benefit your baby!

  • How your unborn child can benefit from Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Technique!

  • Her favorite probiotic for kids under 2 (see below)

  • How clean eating isn't enough for detoxification 

  • Why tummy time and crawling cannot be skipped!

  • Why you should get adjustments for a better birth experience and outcome

  • How exactly your breastfeeding baby gets your probiotics

  • How baby's saliva will adjust our breast milk content!


Dr. Laura's site in Hoboken, New York

Also search her podcast in your podcast player, Well-Adjusted Mama

Site to find a pediatric specialized chiropractor

Klaire Labs Infant Probiotic Formula  


Listen to the interview below, and get subscribed on your podcast player!

iTunes link

My Story with Bridgit Danner, LAc, FDNP

Well, this show is a little different.  It's just me talking about me, from before I was conceived to now.  I talk about how I was raised and how it shaped me.  I talk about some of my struggles in health and business, and how I've overcome them (mostly!)

My business mentor challenged me to show more of my personality and tell more of my story, so I figured this was a place to start!

I hope you can find some things in my story that are relatable or helpful for your life and health.  

And I sincerely appreciate you being a listener and member of our community.  If you are not yet subscribed to our newsletter, you can do so on the main page of our site.

You can also join our Podcast Fan Club, which is a private Facebook group where you can share thoughts and questions.

If you are a fan of the show, we'd love for you to share it with an iTunes review.  (You'll need to log in to iTunes to write it.)

Listen to the audio below, or get subscribed weekly on iTunes or most podcast players.

Hugs and Health, Bridgit

Hello, World!