Functional medicine - hormones - detox - gut health - thyroid — Bridgit Danner, Functional Health Coach & Detox Expert

Grab my New Perimenopause Guide: Muscles, Metabolism and Mental Health

What I'm Eating for Breakfast

I wanted to share a new breakfast I made up this summer that could be called "my big, fat breakfast."  If you heard me on a recent podcast with low carb expert Jimmy Moore, you know I'm interested in the idea of a ketogenic diet.  If you missed that episode, you can check out this link.  

I'm not yet doing a full experiment in ketosis (a high fat, low carb, moderate protein diet in which you burn ketones for fuel,) but I have been trying to up my fat intake and lower my carbs more than before.

Even this brief experiment in high fat diet has made me feel slimmer, and I can go longer after a meal before getting hungry.

Identifying Gut Bugs and Systemic Candida with Andrea Maxim, ND

Dr. Andrea Maxim is our guest on the podcast today, and she is sharing some great insights on commonly overlooked symptoms of intestinal parasites, bacterial imbalance, and systemic candida.

Dr. Maxim is the author of the book, Maximized Health:  The New, Intelligent System for Optimal Digestions and Hormones.  Her clinics, in the Hamilton, Ontario region of Canada, were voted 'best naturopathic clinic' by the Hamilton Reader's Choice for the past three years.  

Ayurveda Curious? Learn from Guest Expert, Jeevani Eigen

I am a yoga-loving American woman, having practiced for over a decade, but still don't know much about Ayurveda.  If you're like me, Ayurveda curious, then enjoy this new podcast with my old friend, Jeevani Eigen.  

Jeevani will give us some context, taking the elements and how they influence Ayurvedic theory.  Then we'll dive into one theory within Ayurveda, the tri-doshic theory.  

The three doshas are:  Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.

Holistic Dental Care with Cindy Haas

Cindy Haas was a Dental Hygienist for many years before also becoming a Certified Holistic Health Coach.

She published a book called Over the Lips and through the Gums to teach others about the mouth and how our choices effect our oral health.  She also educates dental professionals who want to incorporate more holistic methods into their practices at Integrative Dental Concepts.  

Cindy was nice enough to answer my myriad of questions about oral hygiene. 

Autoimmune Thyroid from Fertility to Post-Partum

I had a great conversation on the podcast with Dr. Jolene Brighten, ND about thyroid conditions, and how they effect our fertility, our baby's health and our own post-partum health.

One thing I think is important to understand deeply is that our reproductive stages are linked, and minding this continuum is critical to our health as we try to conceive, carry a child, and then support a new baby.

The Reproductive Continuum

On the podcast recently, we talked about perimenopause with Andrea Thorpe.  The next week we heard from Dr. Joleen Fuller, who walked us through thyroid disorder, from fertility to post-partum.

What do all these various stages from first periods to births to waning periods have in common?  They are all on a continuum of our reproductive years.