Functional medicine - hormones - detox - gut health - thyroid — Bridgit Danner, Functional Health Coach & Detox Expert

Grab my New Perimenopause Guide: Muscles, Metabolism and Mental Health

How to Get Rid of Brain Fog

The term ‘brain fog’ gets tossed around a lot, and most people can relate to feeling dazed, not thinking clearly, and not being fully able to recall ideas and words. But what is brain fog really, and what are brain fog causes and brain fog cures?

Why Your Tap Water Is Not as Clean as You Think

Most of us grab a glass from the cupboard and fill it from the sink, believing the water that comes out – the water that we pay for – is clean and safe. However, that’s not always the case. You may be surprised to find out what is (and isn’t) regulated when it comes to our drinking water. Read on to learn what you can do about this!

Watermelon Cucumber Popsicles

In need of a nutrient-dense summer treat? Homemade popsicles are refreshing and so easy to make! We chose ingredients that are hydrating and great for decreasing belly bloat - think watermelon, cucumber, and yogurt. These make for an energizing, rehydrating snack on active summer days.

Top 10 Foods to Add or Avoid for Thyroid Health

If you struggle with hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism, or if you have Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, your diet plays a major role in your thyroid health. You can support your thyroid by simply changing your diet. Let me show you how!

Are There Heavy Metals in Your Lip Gloss?

When it’s time to go out, or you just want to look pretty, it’s easy to reach for your favorite lip gloss. But what if it’s actually making you sick through toxin exposure? 

Could Your Sunscreen Disrupt Your Hormones?

Most types of sunscreen contain toxins that can easily penetrate the skin and cause inflammation, hormone imbalances, and increased toxic burden. Fortunately, there are safer options that still protect from harmful sun rays. Learn how to read your label and discover where to buy safer sunscreen.

Three Recipes Using Our Electrolytes!

This electrolyte powder fills the gaps left behind after a hard workout, a long day of traveling, or anything that leaves you feeling dehydrated and fatigued. Not only does this blend offer much needed electrolytes, but it also includes additional ingredients like Vitamin C, B Vitamins, antioxidants, magnesium, the list goes on! Click here to learn more!