Women's Health

3 Hormonal Imbalance Patterns That Can Lead to Weight Gain

if you feel like you’re doing everything right but are still frustrated with weight gain, hormones may be to blame. There’s a huge connection between hormonal imbalance and weight gain. In this article, we’ll explore the causes and symptoms of three hormonal weight gain patterns. Pay close attention if one rings true for you!

10 Reasons to Use an Infrared Sauna

Sweating is the body’s way of releasing toxins. There are numerous ways to get your body to sweat, but one of the easiest and most relaxing is by using an infrared sauna. Today, I’m going to go through the top benefits of IR sauna therapy, describe the different types of IR sauna therapy, and mention a few essential rules (and tips).

Superfoods for Hormones

If you’re suffering from hormone imbalance, you’re not alone. Whether you’re dealing with mood swings, hot flashes, weight gain, low libido, fatigue, or killer cramps -- hormone imbalance is no joke. But here’s the good news -- it is possible to naturally balance your hormones. A good place to start? Look at what’s on your plate!

Women Over 40: Why Your Asthma and Allergies Are Increasing

Have you been sneezing and sniffling recently? Maybe your asthma has suddenly sprung out of control, and your inhalers are no longer helping. What could be the problem? Are you a woman over 40? It may just be perimenopause.

Refreshing Summer Mocktails

If you find yourself reaching for an adult beverage most summer nights, you’re not alone. Unfortunately, habitual alcohol consumption is correlated with depressed mood, interrupted sleep, poor digestion, and unwanted weight gain. The great news is that you can still enjoy delicious hand-crafted beverages: refreshing mocktails!

Independence Day Parfait

Looking for fun independence day desserts that support your wellness priorities? This dairy-free parfait is the perfect nutrient-rich treat. It will satisfy your sweet tooth with yummy, in-season berries and keep your blood sugar steady with lots of satiating fat.

Top 3 Supplements for Fertility

Many Americans suffer from nutrient deficiency, and as you may suspect, this can significantly impact fertility. But there are thousands of different supplements you can take. Which ones will help with infertility? Where do you get them? Do they even work? We’re here to share 3 top research-backed supplements and tips!

Anti-Aging Chicken Curry

When you think of curry you probably think of a heavy, creamy dish, rich in an orange color. But get ready for curry reinvented. This coconut chicken curry is lighter than your usual curry dish, loaded with flavor, and perfect for a warm sunny day. The natural collagen included is known to reduce signs of aging, too!

What to Do with All That Zucchini

June equals summer and summer equals a colorful harvest of warm-weather produce…. including zucchini. Has the overabundance of zucchini produced by your garden has caused you to lose interest in this vegetable-like fruit? We’re here to help you fall back in love with this nutrition powerhouse with some yummy ideas!

How to Increase Athletic Performance and Recovery at Any Age

We all know the importance of becoming more athletic and how it can improve heart health, reduce brain fog, and keep our bodies strong throughout the course of our lives. But have you ever felt like you’re not completely recovering from exercise? The culprit may be oxidative stress--learn what to do about that here!

My 4 Favorite Skincare Secrets

When I was younger, I had zero appreciation for good skincare and used products from the drug store. I had acne and an inflammatory diet. While in China, studying Chinese Medicine, I had a French classmate who turned me on to facials. Since then I take much better care of my skin, naturally! Learn my tips here >>>

Ten Ways to Cut Your Sugar Cravings

If you’re constantly craving sugar, you’re not alone. Some studies have even found sugar can be even more addictive than street drugs such as cocaine! This is alarming, considering high sugar diets may increase your risk of chronic illness. So let’s explore what causes sugar cravings and how you can tame them!

Sympathetic Dominance in Mold and Chronic Illness

One of the remarkable aspects of the human body is its fight or flight response system. Unfortunately, many of us, especially in chronic illness and mold, get stuck in the “fight or flight” (sympathetic) response for too long. Read on to learn how to recognize if you have sympathetic dominance and calm your body to begin healing.

Easy Salmon Salad

This recipe is so easy it’s barely a recipe! It’s basically traditional tuna salad but with canned salmon instead. Tuna is delicious but unfortunately it’s now a fish that is commonly contaminated with heavy metals. But there is a really easy solution to your tuna salad dilemma and that is simply replacing it with canned salmon!

Pumpkin Seed Cilantro Coleslaw

At first glance coleslaw does not sound like a healthy food! But its main ingredient, cabbage, is a cruciferous vegetable that supports liver detox. Cruciferous vegetables are especially known for their ability to detoxify estrogen down a safer pathway. Check out this healthy version of coleslaw!

Toxic Mold and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity

Did you know that your home could be making you sick? Mold in the home, which can grow in areas with a lot of moisture, has been linked with a variety of debilitating health issues, including fatigue, headache, abdominal pain, and breathing problems. Mold issues also can manifest themselves as a chemical sensitivity in the body.

Five Ways to Reverse a Leaky Brain

You may have heard about leaky gut, perhaps having an understanding that the gut barrier has been compromised, which can lead to other health issues. Did you know that you have a similar barrier between your brain and your bloodstream, that also plays a critical role in homeostasis?

Is Moldy Food a Health Hazard?

When I got sick with toxic mold, I learned about mycotoxins (mold toxins) in food. At first I thought, “That seems overblown!” However, now I’ve done more research, which I will share in this article. Read on to learn which foods can be moldy, the possible health risk, & how to limit exposure & recover.

Five Ways to Save Money and Your Sanity While Healing

When you have a chronic illness, you are dealing with debilitating symptoms and are probably struggling to do your job. On top of that, you need to navigate how to actually get better! Read on for my top tips for healing without breaking the bank or getting super stressed out.

Baked Wild Salmon with Ginger Lime Glaze

Baked salmon is a quick, simple, protein-rich dinner that’s still impressive enough for hosting or date night. This salmon recipe pairs well with brown rice and roasted asparagus or broccoli -- you can even roast the veggies in the oven. This flavor combination is reminiscent of sushi, but much simpler to prepare!