leaky gut supplements — Functional medicine - hormones - detox - gut health - thyroid — Bridgit Danner, Functional Health Coach & Detox Expert

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leaky gut supplements

Boost Your Brain by Healing Your Gut

Throughout your life, someone has probably told you to “trust your gut,” meaning follow your intuition and be true to yourself. This simple idiom holds another important truth that most people probably aren’t aware of… Let’s explore more about leaky brain, the brain-gut connection, and ways to heal your gut to help your brain!

Five Ways to Reverse a Leaky Brain

You may have heard about leaky gut, perhaps having an understanding that the gut barrier has been compromised, which can lead to other health issues. Did you know that you have a similar barrier between your brain and your bloodstream, that also plays a critical role in homeostasis?

Leaky Gut Supplements and More

Digestion is a huge topic that is poorly understood. Luckily there is a growing field of study about digestion. Check out my new Top-Down Digestive Repair guide to learn more!