Top 3 Supplements for Fertility

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Nearly 10% of Americans have a nutrient deficiency (1), and as you may suspect, this can significantly impact fertility.

But there are literally thousands of different supplements you can take. (2) Which ones will help with infertility? Where do you get them? Do they even work?

We’re here to help.

We’ll cover a few basics, a couple of the best fertility tips, and provide you with the top 3 supplements for fertility, all before bedtime (you are reading this on your phone while lying in bed, aren’t you?!)


Infertility Factors

A wide variety of factors affect fertility (3), such as:

  • Age

  • Diet and nutrient deficiencies

  • Exercise

  • Organ health (particularly thyroid)

  • Birth control history

  • Genetics

  • Toxin exposure

  • Uterine abnormalities

  • Autoimmune disorders


Essential Fertility Tips (for Both Partners!)

We recommend you both cleanse and fortify your bodies 6-12 months before conceiving. Here are some essential tips for you and your partner:

  1. Mainly whole food diet – check out my customizable MATH diet suggestions here

  2. Avoid processed foods, alcohol, and sugar

  3. Avoid gluten and dairy

  4. Avoid smoking and recreational drugs

  5. Drink plenty of water

  6. Include a variety of organic fruits and veggies in your diet

  7. Get at least 7 hours of sleep - and be in bed by 10pm

  8. Get fresh air and movement daily

  9. Get daily recreation, play, and rest time

  10. Use non-toxic beauty and cleaning products

  11. Avoid plastics in your kitchen


Top 3 Most Important Supplements to Increase Fertility

Now – finally – let’s get to our most important supplements for fertility!

1. CoQ10

Details: Coenzyme Q10, also known as CoQ10 or ubiquinone, is an antioxidant that occurs naturally in the body and many foods we eat. It protects cells from damage and is an essential part of our metabolism. (3)

CoQ10 is a large molecule, so many supplements contain a large form that does not always reach your mitochondria, because it’s too large. (4) It's crucial to find the right supplement that takes this into account.

CoQ10 is exceptional for both male and female fertility. It promotes sperm production and early egg viability. It's also helpful for aging, oxidation, and reducing toxicity. (5)

Usage: The typical recommended dosage of CoQ10 is 200mg/day for at least 3 months.

Where to find: Take a look at Mi CoQ10, which has 1/3 the molecular weight of other CoQ10 supplements, prevents crystallization, and promotes the bioavailability of ubiquinol (in other words, it delivers a form a CoQ10 that is small enough to actually reach your mitochondria). (6)

2. Magnesium

Details: Magnesium can help support your luteal phase and produce progesterone for your embryo. It also maintains blood flow to your reproductive organs and can prevent cramping in your fallopian tubes. (7)

Although magnesium supports 300 enzymatic processes in the body, most women are deficient. Poor soil quality, processed foods, and stress all affect magnesium levels, and the majority of multivitamins don't have enough to cover the deficit. 

Usage: The typical recommended dosage is 300-400 mg/day. Magnesium has a calming effect, so many people take it before bed.

Where to find: As mentioned, most multivitamins don't contain enough magnesium to cover the deficiency many women have. Try our Chelated Magnesium Powder, a supplement that guarantees you get the right amount in easy to absorb forms.

3. Fish Oil

Details: Fish oil supplements are high in Omega-3 fatty acids, which are associated with a higher sperm count, larger testes, and a higher level of male fertility hormones. These types of fatty acids are vital to male fertility because the sperm cell membrane is composed of fatty acids. (8)

Fish oil is also anti-inflammatory and important for fetal brain development. So it’s a very important supplement for mom and baby health as well.

Usage: My typical fish oil dosage recommendation is 1000mg daily. 

Where to find:  Our Omega Concentrate fish oil capsule is easy to take and tested for purity. It’s also in a triglyceride form which makes it more absorbable. It’s critical to buy a clean, high-quality fish oil! Yes, you can buy a really cheap one at the drugstore, but in this case you get what you pay for- the junk food of fish oil!


Conclusion: Carry On

Infertility is nothing to be ashamed of. About 11% of women (and 9% of men) have trouble conceiving. (9) You’re not alone.

Build up your support network, keep yourself mentally, emotionally, and physically healthy, follow our tips, and KEEP GOING, QUEEN!


Bridgit Danner, LAc, FDNP, is trained in functional health coaching and has worked with thousands of women over her career since 2004. She is the founder of Women’s Wellness Collaborative llc and

Check out her easy 5-Day DIY Detox Guide here!