dairy-free diet — Functional medicine - hormones - detox - gut health - thyroid — Bridgit Danner, Functional Health Coach & Detox Expert

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dairy-free diet

Gluten-Free Dairy-Free Strawberry Shortcake

This rich, nourishing strawberry shortcake recipe is the perfect special occasion summer treat. Bring these shortcakes to your next BBQ or picnic and rest easy knowing that you’re supporting the health of your loved ones while serving them a delicious dessert!

Yummy Dairy-Free 'Cheese' Dip

If you love queso dip, but are trying to reduce or eliminate your intake of dairy, this dip is exactly what you need. I hardly ever buy real queso anymore because it’s just that good! Plus, it’s only 6 ingredients, and one of those is water! Make this for your next taco Tuesday and see if anyone notices it isn’t actually cheese.

Creamy Dairy-Free Broccoli Squash Soup

Broccoli cheddar soup is ubiquitous in café menus, but it’s usually heavy on dairy and low on vegetables. We set out to craft a soup that’s as nourishing for your body as it is for your senses (as well as allergy-friendly!). This easy blended soup is full of roasted broccoli and butternut squash.