Chronic digestive problems can make life uncomfortable, and at times… embarrassing. Unfortunately, many people struggle with chronic digestive issues for years and even decades before getting to the root cause of their issues. While there are several causes of gut dysfunction, one is often overlooked: mold.
The Microbiome and Skin, Stress, Mold & IBS: An Interview with Kiran Krishnan, microbiologist
I recently interviewed a member of the community about the fact that toxic mold is a cause of several gut health issues, including autoimmune alopecia. He also discussed how toxins build up throughout the body due to mold exposure, particularly in the liver and other places. Click here to learn more!
How to Increase Gut Microbiome Diversity
Want to Improve Your Skin? Focus on Your Gut Health
Believe it or not, the secret to improving your skin may not be found in fancy creams or serums. Nope. The state of your skin – much like the state of your brain – depends on your gut. Conventional medicine treats skin conditions with ointments, salves, and steroids. Unfortunately, these treatments often don’t work. Click here to learn more!
10 Reasons You Want a Perfect Poop + How to Get It
How a Damaged Gut Blocks Detox and What to Do About It
Boost Your Brain by Healing Your Gut
Throughout your life, someone has probably told you to “trust your gut,” meaning follow your intuition and be true to yourself. This simple idiom holds another important truth that most people probably aren’t aware of… Let’s explore more about leaky brain, the brain-gut connection, and ways to heal your gut to help your brain!
My Top Gut Supplements for Immunity
Healing Leaky Gut and Dysbiosis with Kiran Krishnan
Why Chronic Bloating Happens with Dr. Eric Rieger
The Best Supplements for Leaky Gut
Healing Gut & Oral Infections With Herbs with Dr. Rachel Fresco
Dr. Rachel Fresco is a doctor of Chinese Medicine out of California. She's also the founder and President of Bio-Botanical Research. In this episode we talk about her formulations, biofilms, gut infections, essential oils, oral health, and eating healthy.
Here's what you'll hear:
Min 02:00 Introducing Dr. Rachel Fresco
Min 03:58 Dr. Fresco's Biocidin® formula
Min 09:40 Biofilms
Min 14:55 Microbial blends
Min 20:30 Olive leaf extract & essential oils
Min 25:00 Using Biocidin
Min 29:00 Binders
Min 32:15 Biocidin Throat Spray
Min 38:20 Marcons
Min 40:15 Dentalcidin & oral health
Min 46:53 Amalgam filling & detoxifying
Min 52:45 Eating healthy
Min 64:40 Dr. Fresco's resources
To learn more about Rachel Fresco and her company Bio-Botanical Research, visit her website here and on Facebook
Bridgit’s shop
Leaky Gut Solutions Webinar
Dentalcidin toothpaste
Cyrex Labs
Here's a video version of the interview with Dr. Rachel Fresco:
The Five-Day DIY Detox Guide
Do you wake up groggy and tired, turning to coffee or pastries to get you going?
Add in a simple 5 minute routine to have more energy for the day!
Grab our Five-Day DIY Detox Guide and get some spring back in your step, naturally.
Case Study: A Functional Approach to Hormones and Gut
How Functional Health Coaching Treats Mood, Gut and Hormones in an Integrated Way
The Symptoms
When Emily joined our coaching program, she was struggling with depression, anxiety, fatigue, and brain fog. She said that she did not have the energy to improve her diet or exercise regimen to support her health. She feared that trying to make major changes could have the potential to elicit panic attacks that would prevent her from moving forward.
Photo by Jason Briscoe
Emily felt “tired almost all of the time.” Up until a few years before joining our functional coaching program, she had lived an active life. She had spent years gaining her education and working as a public health professional. And, at 38-years-old, she found herself barely making it through the day.
Emily had resorted to some of the most common coping mechanisms available: coffee in the morning to give her enough energy to get going, and alcohol at night to help her sleep.
Emily had resorted to some of the most common coping mechanisms available: coffee in the morning to give her enough energy to get going, and alcohol at night to help her sleep.
She suffered from symptoms of gas, bloating and indigestion. Her symptoms eased when she was strict about her diet but returned whenever she wavered slightly.
The First Steps
The first thing we advised Emily to do was to take the huge step of removing coffee and alcohol from her diet. Within a matter of a couple of weeks, she was amazed at how much better she felt, just from those small changes. While this is not always as impactful for everybody as it was for Emily, it does show that sometimes a couple of small tweaks can have big effects.
The Labs
As Emily made those early changes to diet, we ran a handful of functional labs, including:
DUTCH Complete hormone panel
Comprehensive thyroid panel
GI-Map stool pathogen test
Micronutrient (vitamin and mineral) test.
The Test Results
The test results showed that Emily was quite deficient in the stress hormone cortisol. Cortisol is the primary stress hormone but it is also responsible for providing a sense of energy and plays an important role in regulating the circadian rhythms controlling sleep/wake cycles.
Emily was also very low in all of her female sex hormones (the estrogens and progesterone) and she was also very low in melatonin, a hormone that helps promote restful sleep.
Emily's thyroid appeared to be slightly sluggish and she was deficient in seven different important micronutrients.
Her stool test detected two different parasites, an overgrowth of two different opportunistic yeast species, suppressed immune response in the small intestines, and a very strong sensitivity to gluten-containing foods.
Part of the Hormone Report
Stool Test Results
The Protocol
Emily remained free from coffee and alcohol and began to adopt a gluten-free diet.
She started doing moderate exercise, managing her stress levels, eradicating gut pathogens through an herbal protocol, and supporting her healthy hormone balance through diet, herbs, and lifestyle changes.
She introduced some herbal tinctures such as black cohosh, red clover, vitex, and motherwort to support her female hormone levels. She used a product called Adrenotone from Designs for Health to support the adrenal glands and the balance of stress hormone production through the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis.
Emily supported her micronutrient balance through the introduction of a complete mineral support formula and used the Designs for Health GI Microb-X product as one of the antimicrobial blends for eradicating infectious microorganisms. She also introduced Megaspore probiotic to rebuild beneficial gut flora and to support the immune system.
For dietary support, Emily began seed cycling and introduced more healthy fats into her diet. She also incorporated detoxification strategies such as dry brushing and rebounding into her daily routine to help her move toxins out of the body in a natural way.
The Transformation
Photo by Patrick Hendry
As Emily gained energy, she was able to reintegrate exercise into her life and she enjoys mountain biking and outdoor sports of many kinds.
After six months on the coaching program, Emily reported feeling better than she had in years despite experiencing some extreme stress, including the sudden death of her partner’s mother.
Over the course of her six months on the program, Emily gained enough energy and mental clarity to make big decisions about her life, including the purchase of a new home and a desire to have a baby.
Emily is now thriving, pregnant, happy in her life, and excited about her future.
Are You Ready for Your Transformation?
Work With Us!
We would be honored to work with you as a private client. We provide testing and coaching options to women in most every state and country. Come check out our coaching options to see if it’s a fit.
Bridgit Danner, LAc, FDNP, is trained in functional health coaching and has worked with thousands of women over her career since 2004. She is the founder of Women’s Wellness Collaborative llc and
My Real Life Healing Journey with Jaclyn Renee
Taming Fussy, Hormonal Skin with Megan Schwarz
Megan Schwarz is an attorney turned female hormonal health advocate, with a specialty in skin care. She offers clients dietary, lifestyle, and hormonal support focused on inflammatory skin issues such as hormonal acne, dermatitis, and hyperpigmentation. In this episode, we are going to focus mainly on the internal aspects of skin issues.
The Benefits of an Elimination Diet with Jessica Stopard
Jessica Stopard is a Holistic Nutritionist & health coach from Canada. She discovered that the elimination diet made a big difference for her and for her clients. In this episode, we will be discussing what the elimination diet is, food sensitivity testing and healing the gut.
Here's what you'll hear:
Min 02:00 Introducing Jessica Stopard
Min 05:35 Transitioning into holistic nutrition
Min 09:15 What is the elimination diet?
Min 13:20 Who is this diet for?
Min 16:25 Benefits of the elimination diet
Min 20:00 Reintroducing foods, food sensitivities & food addiction
Min 23:45 Case stories of using elimination diets
Min 29:35 Foods to have in your diet
Min 33:20 Jessica's holistic nutritional approach
Min 34:45 Testing for food sensitivities
Min 43:10 Jessica's free guide & resources
To learn more about Jessica Stopard, visit her website here and follow her on social media:
Jessica's Free Beginner's Guide to Food Sensitivities
Beautycounter products - non-toxic line of beauty products
Here's the video version of the interview with Jessica Stopard:
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If you have not yet joined our community, be sure to get our MATH Diet Guide here, and come on board!
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Best Protocols for Gut Infections with Ann Melin
Ann Melin is our lead health coach at Women's Wellness Radio and a certified Holistic Health Practitioner, Clinical Nutritionist, a Clinical Master Herbalist, and a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® Practitioner. In this episode we talk about gut health, gut infections, and the best treatment protocols.
Here's what you'll hear:
Min 01:35 The connection between gut health & hormone health
Min 05:20 Symptoms of gut infections
Min 11:00 Why you need to address gut parasites
Min 14:35 Gut healing protocols & lab testing
Min 22:50 SIBO & GI map tests
Min 27:10 Links between gut parasites & other diseases
Min 30:10 Getting treatment for chronic conditions
Min 38:00 Treating gut parasites (candida, SIBO)
Min 41:35 Herbs & supplements for gut health
Min 45:20 Steps to WWC coaching
Check out our coaching program to see if it is a fit for you.
Visit our shop here.
Beautycounter products - non-toxic line of beauty products
Learn about our protocols for toxins testing here.
Here are more resources, outlining our testing protocols for other nasty gut issues, including SIBO, parasitic infections and Candida.
Join Our Community!
If these talks resonated with you and your case, we’d love to get to know you better!
If you have not yet joined our community, be sure to get our Top-Down Digestion Guide here, and come on board!
We have lots of valuable, free resources for women's health we share weekly.
Bridgit is trained in functional health coaching and has worked with thousands of women over her career since 2004. She is the founder of Women’s Wellness Collaborative llc and
Nutrition for Thyroid Recovery with Caroline Stahlschmidt
Why Detox Beats Dieting with Robyn Openshaw
Robyn Openshaw is a researcher and wellness author of 15 titles, including 2017’s #1 bestseller Vibe, The Green Smoothies Diet, and 12 Steps to Whole Foods. She's our first guest this year where we talk about detox, toxins, dieting and eating healthy.
Here's what you'll hear:
Min 02:15 Introduction to Robyn Openshaw & her new book "Vibe"
Min 07:30 Toxic load in the body
Min 09:40 Robyn's health history & her grandma's fight with cancer
Min 12:25 Robyn's first detox experience
Min 18:35 The 26 Day Detox program
Min 23:05 Taking green smoothies
Min 28:45 The Ketogenic diet
Min 35:20 The Paleo diet, carbs & protein
Min 45:20 Intuitive eating & detoxing
Min 50:30 Why detox is better than dieting
Min 52:05 Fulic acid, humic acid & minerals
To learn more about Robyn Openshaw, visit her website here and follow her on social media:
Free Detox Video Mini Masterclass
12 Steps to Whole Foods Masterclass
How Not to Die by Michael Greger, MD
Eat to Live by Joel Fuhrman, MD
Here's the video version of the interview with Robyn Openshaw:
Sign Up For Our Newsletter
If you have not yet joined our community, be sure to get our 5-Day DIY Detox Guide here, and come on board!
We have lots of valuable, free resources for women's health we share weekly.
Is Your Gut Messing Up Your Hormones?
There are trillions of bacteria in your gut (1) and they are busy either keeping your hormones in balance or helping your hormones fail you. What is happening in your gut?