“All disease begins in the gut.” This quote from Hippocrates - the father of medicine - has proven to hold a lot of truth over 2,000 years later. Is your gut dragging down your immunity? Read on to learn how you can tell, and what you can do about it!
Healing Leaky Gut and Dysbiosis with Kiran Krishnan
Best Protocols for Gut Infections with Ann Melin
Ann Melin is our lead health coach at Women's Wellness Radio and a certified Holistic Health Practitioner, Clinical Nutritionist, a Clinical Master Herbalist, and a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® Practitioner. In this episode we talk about gut health, gut infections, and the best treatment protocols.
Here's what you'll hear:
Min 01:35 The connection between gut health & hormone health
Min 05:20 Symptoms of gut infections
Min 11:00 Why you need to address gut parasites
Min 14:35 Gut healing protocols & lab testing
Min 22:50 SIBO & GI map tests
Min 27:10 Links between gut parasites & other diseases
Min 30:10 Getting treatment for chronic conditions
Min 38:00 Treating gut parasites (candida, SIBO)
Min 41:35 Herbs & supplements for gut health
Min 45:20 Steps to WWC coaching
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Here are more resources, outlining our testing protocols for other nasty gut issues, including SIBO, parasitic infections and Candida.
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Bridgit is trained in functional health coaching and has worked with thousands of women over her career since 2004. She is the founder of Women’s Wellness Collaborative llc and HormoneDetoxShop.com.
The Parasite Hormone Connection
Do you think parasites have nothing to do with hormones? Or that parasites are very rare and only found in places like rural Africa?
You would be wrong on both counts. In this article, I'll explain:
What is the connection between hormones and parasites
What are the symptoms of a parasitic infection
Why are parasites so common
What you can do about it
The Link Between Parasites and Hormones
A parasite is dictionary defined as “an organism that lives in or on another organism (its host) and benefits by deriving nutrients at the host's expense.”
You might be thinking, “well shouldn't my body prevent parasites?” You are right; it should but it doesn't always succeed. Parasites can enter through the skin or the vagina but the most common area of entry is the mouth.
When you eat something or put your hands in your mouth you expose yourself to potential parasites and their larvae. Parasites are found in soil and feces and do a great job of spreading themselves around.
When you swallow a parasite, your stomach acid should burn off the pathogen. However many of us have low stomach acid production from a thyroid condition, because of aging, or because we were eating on in a rush and we didn't get our bodies into “rest and digest” mode.
If a parasite survives the stomach it can live in the intestines or move to other areas of the body. Parasites can remain for decades. You may also be wondering, “isn't it somewhat normal to have parasites?”
According to Dr. Ann Louise Gittleman in her book Guess What Came to Dinner?, some amount of parasites could make for no noticeable symptoms. It really depends on the type and quantity of parasites and the strength or weakness of the host.
You are the host and the environment you create in your body helps determine if a parasite finds a good home or not. If your intestines are out of balance because of eating inflammatory foods, leaky gut, antibiotic use, other infections, or eating a high-sugar, high-refined flour diet you are providing a welcoming home for a parasite.
So now you understand how having a parasite is indeed possible. But why would this affect your hormones?
Having a parasite will cause inflammation in the gut and a potential loss of nutrients going to you, the host.
Hormones stay in balance through:
Parasites will contribute to the overall poor environment in the gut. And your gut is an important location for hormone production and clearance.
The nutrients you absorb in the gut are the ingredients to make hormones: B vitamins, amino acids, fats, etc. That's why I consider it not only very important to eat nourishing foods, but also to take high-quality supplements to 'mind your gut'.
Parasites can contribute to an imbalanced bacterial environment in your gut. (Other contributors are sugar, alcohol, white flour, genetically-modified foods, and antibiotics.) That imbalance can lead to a re-activation of used estrogens getting back into circulation in your body, possibly increasing your risk of breast cancer. (source)
In a healthy gut, used hormones that have been rendered inactive in the liver will be expelled in the intestines through the bile. In an unhealthy gut, an enzyme called beta-glucuronidase will be produced, making estrogen active again. This happens within a set of gut bacteria called the estrobolome.
Dr. Izabella Wentz, in her book Hashimoto's Protocol: A 90-Day Plan for Reversing Thyroid Symptoms and Getting Your Life Back, connects many parasites to the "triggering and exacerbating" of the autoimmune thyroid condition Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. These include: Giardia lamblia, Dientamoeba fragilis, Toxoplasma gondii, Entamoeba histolytica, Blastocystis hominis, Bartonella henselae and Cyrptosporidium.
Hormones are made in response to the needs of your body. If your body is chronically fighting an infection in your gut and dealing with the inflammation there, hormones will be made to combat that stress, namely stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol.
As a woman, you want a balance of stress hormones and more restorative hormones in the Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) family like estrogen and testosterone. If your body is making a lot of cortisol in comparison to DHEA, you could have symptoms like overwhelm, low sex drive, infertility and loss of muscle mass. Menopause and peri-menopause can be more difficult.
The above are just a few ways that parasites and an unhealthy gut can lead to hormonal problems.
The symptoms of a parasitic infection are numerous. This list is by no means a way of diagnosis but rather examples of the diverse ways that a parasite could manifest:
Gas and bloating
Muscle pain
Autoimmune diseases
Skin rashes
Insomnia / Waking up too early
Teeth grinding
Frequent colds and flu
In this article, I am focusing on parasites but we often see parasites in our clients like Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) and candida. Parasites can also help house and protect things like Epstein-Barr virus, mold mycotoxins, and Lyme infection. So in complex cases is often important to clear the gut of these pathogens.
But sometimes our clients are fairly healthy have lots of good habits, they are just stuck in one area of their health. They can't get pregnant or they're chronically bloated. These are cases where we've been able to address the gut and get good results overall.
According to the Center for Disease Control, millions of people in the United States are affected by parasites every year. How much of a problem parasites depend on who you ask. The colleagues of mine who treat complex cases are quite convinced of the efficacy of parasite treatment. You can hear my interview with parasite expert, Dr. Todd Watts here, and you can register for the Parasite Summit here (and more information is below).
Parasitic infections do seem to be on the rise because of these factors:
International travel
Contaminated public water supply
Household pets
Daycare centers
Eating at restaurants
Food imported from other countries
The use of antibiotics
Factory farming (including farmed fish)
A Personal Story
When I was in my early twenties I lived in a village in South America. All the pathogens there were new to my body and even though I tried to drink clean water I got very sick a few times. After that, I lived in Mexico and while there I was chronically constipated. I didn't know much about parasites back then but I suspected them I looked into getting a test run but opted for a kit I could buy at the store to clean parasites in my colon. Later my boyfriend at the time, who also lived in South America, passed a long worm out of his stool.
I forgot about parasites for a while but during a stressful time in Chinese medicine school, I developed IBS that would not go away. I attributed it to stress. If my diet is “really perfect” with all fresh, clean foods my digestion can be pretty stable. But cheating at all on corn chips or a beer would make me have loose stool again. This pattern went on for many years and I even had to stool test and treated H pylori infection with still no improvement.
One of my parasites that came out in my stool.Trust me, I was really grossed out when I first saw this too. Toothbrush somehow makes this picture grosser. I did not touch it to my toothbrush, just put it on top of bag for size comparison.
This past summer I interviewed Dr. Todd Watts office about parasites. Perhaps with that awareness in the back of my mind, I noticed a parasite in my stool the next day. I quickly ordered a stool test from a leading company we use and the test came back positive for a type of parasite.
I have been treating my parasite and, though I'm just beginning, I have passed another worm and some larvae which, while gross, is also pretty exciting to know that I am getting something out of my body that was likely stressing it for a long time. I know that my white blood cell count has been low for years and no one was able to explain it but I think this helps explain it.
Besides coming back from South America with a probable parasite I also came back with a lackadaisical attitude about sanitation. I thought that here in the US we were too paranoid about cleanliness. We have also learned in the last decade a lot about the microbiome and we are often encouraged to 'eat dirt and go barefoot.’
After reading Guess What Came to Dinner? by Dr. Ann Louise Gittleman, I have quite a different perspective. We DO want to be clean and careful to prevent parasites. It is much easier to prevent parasites then test and treat for them later.
Prevention Tips
Luckily there is a lot we can do to prevent parasites:
Always wash hands prior to eating
Keep your fingernails short and scrub under them with a brush
When you use a public toilet seat squat over it rather than sitting on it
At home, keep your bathrooms clean and sanitize toilet seats and bowls*
Keep the interior or your car clean*
Avoid kissing your pets or letting your children do so
All family members should wash their hands after petting the family pet
Pick up pet waste and don't let your kids play in areas where they can be exposing themselves to residual pet waste
Get a report on your local water quality and drink only filtered water (Filters need to be very fine a size of 3 microns or under to filter microorganism cysts.)
While hiking, never drink out of streams and carry a fine pore filter of 3 microns or under while camping
Wash raw fruits and vegetables before eating
Be very careful with cooking meats and fish to ensure that any larvae in them are killed
Cook beef to an internal temperature of 160° f
Cook chicken, lamb and pork to 170° f
Cook fish until flaky and do not cook in a microwave
Avoid eating raw Pacific salmon and rockfish (Flash frozen fish are safer.)
Eat fiber such as raw nuts, beans, greens berries; these sweep your colon
Avoiding sugars and simple starches that parasites thrive on
Avoid swimming in freshwater lakes
Always sit on a towel in a sauna
Be aware that public mud baths and spas can carry the parasite Trichomonas vaginalis (This happened to me the only time I used a mud bath!)
If you are pregnant or immunocompromised, avoid changing your cat's litter box and have someone else and household do it
* Please note that you don't need to use potent chemicals for cleaning. You can use potent essential oils instead! Dr. Mariza Snyder is my to-go resource on essential oils, and her book, Smart Mom's Guide to Essential Oils: Natural Solutions for a Healthy Family, Toxin-Free Home and Happier You has many great cleaning recipes.
If you would like to learn more about parasites, I encourage you to attend the Parasite Summit hosted by Dr. Jay Davidson. This event is an eye-opening journey into parasites and their effects on health, hormones, detox and more!
Accurate testing for parasites cannot be conducted at your local doctor's office. The technology is just available in this setting and paradigm. We do conduct these tests with our private clients and develop protocols to help them eradicate gut pathogens. If you are interested in talking to us more about it you can check out our coaching options here.
To Your Health!
Bridgit Danner, LAc, FDNP, is trained in functional health coaching and has worked with thousands of women over her career since 2004. She is the founder of Women’s Wellness Collaborative llc and HormoneDetoxShop.com.
Candida-Yeast Overgrowth Underdiagnosed By Krista Goncalves
Candida. Candidiasis. Yeast overgrowth. Fungal infection.
Whatever you want to call it, it's NO FUN when you've got it!
It's Summer...hot, sticky weather conditions and our bodies are such perfectly moist breeding grounds for all kinds of "critters". I've had a number of friends complaining of this particular condition lately, or at least trying to figure out if they've got it!
So what does a vacationing Nutritionist do when she's drunk a number of frosty beers (aka, yeasty, gluten-bombs), and eaten buckets of tortilla chips (grains!) while sitting around in a wet bathing suit down by the lake for several weeks?
Ok, that's my way of saying, minus the nose-crinkling details, that I've had a problem with yeast overgrowth, multiple times in the past 25 years.
In fact, we've all likely had it in some form or another, and some of us may not have even realized we had it!
Of course you're probably already thinking of that thick, white discharge, reminiscent of cottage cheese, that makes your va-jay-jay itchy & cranky. But that's not necessarily always one of the symptoms when this critter is in a state of overgrowth - and it's not just exclusive to women's southern parts either!
It's much more tricky & complex than that, so let me do my best to scratch out all of the details for you.
What is Candida-Yeast Overgrowth? (Candidiasis)
First off, a small amount of Candida yeast in the mouth, digestive tract and vagina is normal. It’s just part of our body's natural flora. However, when this organism decides that it’s party time, and blooms out of control - it can wreak havoc on your whole system!
“Candidiasis is a fungal infection caused by yeasts that belong to the genus Candida. There are over 20 species of Candida yeasts that can cause infection in humans, the most common of which is Candida albicans. ”
Candida yeasts normally live on the skin and mucous membranes without causing infection; however, overgrowth of these organisms can cause symptoms to develop. Symptoms of candidiasis vary depending on the area of the body that is infected."
Candidiasis that develops in the mouth or throat is called thrush or oropharyngeal candidiasis. It can also travel down the esophagus. Breastfeeding babies are prone to thrush as are mother's nipples. Ouchy!
Babies are also prone to yeast in the diaper area, but it's not the same as the typical diaper rash on their bums.
Diaper rash caused by yeast is differentiated as one that appears red, raised, and patchy with sharp borders, mostly over the genitalia but with satellite spots sprinkled around the diaper area.
I remember with both of my kids, it was an especially red nasty rash that wouldn't go away with regular diaper cream but cleared up wonderfully with good 'ol vag cream - Canestan, Monistat or generic brands. Now I just always keep a tube of it on hand :-)
Yeast Infections
Speaking of... Candidiasis in and around the lady bits is commonly referred to as a yeast infection.
Gals, this is the one that you're most familiar with due to the intense itching, redness and sometimes a lovely aromatic discharge emanating from your hoo-ha like your own personal brewery. These are the hallmarks of this type of fungal infection. If you've never experienced one, I hope you never have to!
Systemic Candida
Invasive or systemic candidiasis occurs when a Candida species enters the bloodstream and spreads throughout the body.
“Candida overgrowth can show up in just about every tissue in the human body.”
Systemic candida is often the most serious type as it is difficult to get a handle on and has many possible symptoms, including:
- inability to lose weight
- alcohol intolerance (you get buzzed very easily)
- toenail fungal infections
- athlete's foot, jock itch
- severe abdominal bloating (looking pregnant by end of day)
- painful/itchy/red skin rashes (especially in body folds like boob-flaps & armpits)
- a feeling of brain fog or lack of mental clarity (even forgetting your usual routine)
This is the type of Candida overgrowth that we'll be mainly focusing on in this post. Take a look at the lengthy list of symptoms – and this is not even a comprehensive list of possible symptoms, just the more common ones.
For an interesting discussion on commonly overlooked symptoms of various gut bugs including Candida – listen to the Women’s Wellness Radio podcast with Dr. Andrea Maxim.
What Causes An Overgrowth of Candida albicans?
It’s normal for a certain amount of Candida to be in your body at any one time, but there are a number of predisposing factors that can cause it to grow out of control, as adapted from Whole Approach:
Predisposing Factors
1) Destruction of the C. albicans' natural control mechanism: Broad-spectrum antibiotics (e.g. tetracycline) destroy the healthful bacteria, which control the Candida population. For example, Lactobacillus acidophilus competes with C. albicans for space and nutrients in the intestinal tract. It also releases acid, which makes the environment less favorable for Candida growth, and even feeds off of the Candida directly. When Lactobacillus acidophilus is attacked by antibiotics, Candida proliferates and can change to its pathogenic mycelial form.
After prolonged or frequent (more than 3 times in a year) broad-spectrum antibiotic use, Candidiasis symptoms may start to appear in a matter of months or even days and often linger for life if untreated, especially if one regularly consumes poultry, eggs, meats and/or milk since these usually contain antibiotics (and steroids, see #2 below).
Chemical preservatives in food also support Candida overgrowth, which includes most processed/ packaged foods.
2) Weakening of host defense mechanisms: A number of factors can compromise the effectiveness of the immune system that is responsible for eradicating invaders such as Candida. Lowered immunity may result from steroid drugs and cancer chemotherapeutic agents, both of which are immuno-suppressants. Prolonged illness, stress (all forms), alcohol abuse, smoking, lack of exercise, lack of rest and poor nutrition (see #4 below) are also key factors which tend to weaken the immune system.
3) Female anatomy: Women are generally more susceptible to Candidiasis than men for several reasons:
- Female hormonal levels are constantly fluctuating and sustained high levels of estrogen can occur. This condition tends to impair immune system function.
- C. albicans growth is stimulated by the female hormone progesterone. Its levels are elevated during pregnancy and in the second half of each menstrual cycle. Synthetic progestins are found in oral contraceptives and also contribute to candida overgrowth.
- The female anatomy lends itself to the ready migration of C. albicans from the rectum to the genito-urinary system. Vaginal yeast infections are a common result.
4) Poor diet establishes a breeding ground for Candida: The nutrient-poor, low-bulk, highly-refined carbohydrate diets of most North Americans will, over a period of years, transform a healthy large intestine into a lifeless pipe caked with layers of encrusted fecal matter. Which, in turn becomes the site of constant putrefaction, fermentation, rancidification, and is a home for toxin-inducing pathogenic bacteria, and an excellent environment for the proliferation of the mycelial tentacles of Candida.
A highly-refined carbohydrate diet serves as a very desirable food source for C. albicans which further entrenches it within the microscopic crevices of encrusted fecal matter. The small intestine, housing a more fluid chyme, does not become so caked with old fecal matter as it does with mucus. This also encourages Candida proliferation.
It has also been suggested that if you have been diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue (CFS), Fibromyalgia (FMS), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), chronic sinusitis, and/or you have recently taken antibiotics - especially lengthy or multiple courses, then you can suspect a concurrent Candida infection and should seek treatment. Of which, you can expect a 3-6 month treatment process for systemic infections.
How Do You Test For Candidiasis And Get A Diagnosis?
Here's the tricky part... diagnosis for oral thrush and vaginal yeast infections are generally easy because the symptoms are so distinct, but for a systemic infection it can be quite difficult as the symptoms are often plentiful, seemingly unrelated and can mimic so many other conditions!
If you're experiencing 3 or more of the above-mentioned symptoms or otherwise suspect a yeast overgrowth, consult your doctor or health practitioner for examination and possible testing.
Hormone Expert Dr. Chelsea Gronick ND notes that fatigue, brain fog and sugar cravings are the top 3 symptoms she sees with patients and she uses stool and organic acids urine testing in her naturopathic clinic in Kelowna BC.
However, if you're an impatient patient like me, and you simply want to take matters into your own hands, here's what you can do to establish a probable diagnosis and begin treatment of a systemic yeast infection...
A) Complete the Candida Questionnaire
The questionnaire was developed by Dr. William Crook - amended from TheCandidaDiet.com
A score of 10 or greater indicates that your health problems may be connected to a yeast overgrowth. A score of 13 or higher suggests that they are almost certainly yeast connected.
A score of 8 or greater indicates that your health problems may be connected to a yeast overgrowth. A score of 11 or higher suggests that they are almost certainly yeast connected.
B) Spit Test
First thing in the morning, before your feet hit the floor, spit generously into a clean glass of water and let it sit for 5 minutes. Observe the behavior of your spittle. If it does anything except float at the top - like sink or drop "legs" down, you can suspect Candida overgrowth.
Image credit: CandidaSpitTest.org
C) White Tongue
As listed in the questionnaire... after you've done your spit test and before you drink anything or brush your teeth, go look in the mirror at your tongue. Does it have a white coating on it? If similar to this picture, you can suspect Candida overgrowth.
D) Laboratory Testing
Conventional medicine often only recognizes this condition in the most extreme cases, but Medical Doctors are becoming more open-minded and educated about it, so if you feel your Doc is on board with the investigation, then you can ask them to order blood & fecal tests.
Although be aware that these may only show positive results in extreme cases and may give negative results when you truly do have an overgrowth and are experiencing symptoms.
Obviously if you're a woman and you suspect a vaginal yeast infection, your Doctor can test for that. Although quite frankly, I'm more than aware when I have one and begin self-treatment right away!
E) Other Options
If still suspicious but unsure if you have Candidiasis after exploring the above 4 options, consider seeking out a Naturopath or other alternative health practitioner. They may use other forms of assessment such as electrodermal testing and the Organic Acids Test (OAT).
Ok, so you've established that you've got too much candida... now what do you do about it?
How to Treat Candidiasis or Candida-Yeast Overgrowth
Clean up your daily diet. This one is listed first because it is should be top priority as it may be what got you into this sticky mess in the first place ;-)
The best Candida treatment is to overhaul your diet. Candida grows exponentially in response to starchy carbohydrates, sugar and some fermented foods. So, it’s important to eat a whole foods diet that’s low especially low in sugar and refined carbohydrates. This means increasing your daily intake of leafy green vegetables, lean protein, herbal teas and water.
You can google 'Candida Diet' and you're going to get a hundred different protocols about how you should eat, and how you need to "starve" the Candida. Coming from my own personal experience - most of them are incredibly restrictive and some can be downright dangerous.
I’ve always been a bit skeptical about the usefulness of these particular diet protocols, so I asked Naturopath Dr. Chelsea Gronick if these so-called “Candida-starving diets” are necessary and effective. She says, “YES, but only when combined with other complementary protocols,” like these I’ve listed below.
Here are the basics where daily diet and fending off Candida is concerned:
• Eat less sugar... way less sugar, in all its forms including soda, fruit juices and even naturally-occurring fructose found in fruit. I would stick to whole fruit like berries & green apples. The one saving grace here is you can still enjoy small amounts of high-quality dark chocolate! 70% or more cacao and very low-sugar.
• Eat gobs of leafy greens and sulfur-rich foods like garlic, onions & most spices, even at breakfast!
• Eat less processed and packaged foods, and limit all starchy carbs (again, sugar!), especially corn and gluten-containing grains like wheat, rye, barley, spelt & kamut. I would simply stick to small portions of brown rice, buckwheat & quinoa, of which soaking & sprouting is preferable. Here’s a great grain, nut & seed soaking guide.
• Consider eliminating gluten and dairy entirely, which can lead to inflammation in the gut, which is a predisposing factor.
• Avoid fermented & moldy foods and yeast, with the exception of apple cider vinegar (unpasteurized, with the "mother" in it) and nutritional yeast (nooch is all good, baby).
Fermented foods would be vinegar & soy sauce, and moldy foods are mushrooms & peanuts.
• Drink less alcohol... way less alcohol! Especially beer & wine due to the fermentation and generally high sugar & yeast content.
Eat more fiber - way more fibre!
“Consuming a blend of soluble and insoluble fibers help soak up and sweep out dead Candida organisms, ensuring that they are eliminated from the body rather than reabsorbed. If you are unable to get the recommended 25-38 grams of fiber into your daily diet (ahem...leafy greens!), consider a fibre supplement - increasing intake only by 5 grams every few days and drink plenty of water!”
Support your liver & heal your gut
“Both the gut and liver are your body’s primary defense team. They protect you against invading pathogens, rogue bacteria, dietary irritants, and outside toxins. When unwelcome microorganisms in the body manage to work their way past the gut’s defenses, the liver is on cleanup duty. Toxic Candida can make it almost impossible to detoxify your body, so it’s critical to control an overgrowth by healing the gut lining, while also supporting liver health.”
You can support your liver (and gallbladder) daily with supplements like N-acetyl cysteine, a-Lipoic acid and herbal extracts of turmeric (containing curcumin), milk thistle (containing silymarin), artichoke, dandelion and sarsaparilla, which all help to increase production of glutathione – considered the “mother of all antioxidants”.
Take Probiotics. Anti-biotics = anti/take away life. Pro-biotics = pro/give life.
I feel that everyone should be taking these whether you have a yeast overgrowth or not! I personally take 50 billion CFU - which is a more therapeutic dose. Look for a product that contains the important strain saccharomyces boulardii.
Use Proteolytic Enzymes. What are these you ask? A supplemental enzyme blend including nattokinase, that has the ability to break down the tough exterior wall and protective biofilm that surrounds the Candida albicans' cell. Some formulations will also include enzymes to break down sugars & starches which feed the Candida.
Anti-fungals. You can take singular ones like garlic bulb (active component = allicin), oregano oil, black walnut husk, berberine, pau d'arco, grapefruit seed extract, neem leaf, clove bud, and caprylic acid – a component found in coconut oil.
However, because Candida can become resistant to any one anti-fungal, rotating different ones or taking a broad-spectrum blend of anti-fungal & anti-bacterial herbal supplements like those that are considered as "candida cleanses" are probably the best bang for your buck! You may need to take these for several weeks to several months, depending on the severity of your overgrowth.
If you still find that you are unable to get your condition under control, you may need to seek out prescription anti-fungals like Diflucan or Nystatin.
I left this one for last as I really do feel it's best to try the natural treatment route for many non-life-threatening health conditions. However, it's your body and your health so do what you feel is best for you!
Now if you'll excuse me, it's time to take my natural anti-fungals and NOT wash them down with another frosty, yeasty gluten-bomb beer... which is so hard to resist on a hot summer's day ;-)
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This article originally appeared on Krista Goncales website.
A former marine biologist, Krista is now a Certified Holistic Nutritionist (CHN) and Registered Nutritional Counselor (RNC) – a qualified practitioner who provides guidance for building and maintaining nutritional well-being.
Krista likes to say that she's having a culinary love affair with food and is captivated by how it fuels, nourishes and energizes us. She believes your food should work for you, not against you.
The mantra of “what you put in, is what you'll get out” supports her belief that real food, along with some high-quality supplements, can help heal us from many health conditions, or even prevent us from having certain ones in the first place - like type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure.
With over 20 years of diverse professional teaching experience and a deep passion for promoting balanced, healthy living, she feels her contribution to the rapidly expanding and ever-evolving field of "functional health" is not only important, but incredibly rewarding.
Krista is also a women's health writer and you'll find her blogging regularly onMakingLemonade.ca ~ Empow(her)ed Health & Nutrition!
How Your Gut Health is Effecting Your Brain
In this interview with functional medicine expert Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, we talk about the rarely acknowledged gut-brain connection. With modern research, we are gaining a deeper understanding of how digestion and the gut micro-biome effects the brain, and common symptoms of mood disorder, and poor concentration.
Identifying Gut Bugs and Systemic Candida with Andrea Maxim, ND
Dr. Andrea Maxim is our guest on the podcast today, and she is sharing some great insights on commonly overlooked symptoms of intestinal parasites, bacterial imbalance, and systemic candida.
Dr. Maxim is the author of the book, Maximized Health: The New, Intelligent System for Optimal Digestions and Hormones. Her clinics, in the Hamilton, Ontario region of Canada, were voted 'best naturopathic clinic' by the Hamilton Reader's Choice for the past three years.