Is Toxic Mold to Blame for Your Chronic Digestive Issues?

Chronic digestive problems can make life uncomfortable, and at times… embarrassing. Unfortunately, many people struggle with chronic digestive issues for years and even decades before getting to the root cause of their issues. While there are several causes of gut dysfunction, one is often overlooked: mold.

25 Ways to Effectively Detox the Lymphatic System

Is your lymph system backed up? Do you need to support your lymph system, or is that just some woo woo non-sense? In this article, you’ll learn a bit about the lymphatic system, the signs and symptoms of lymphatic congestion, what causes it, and how to get that lymph moving to feel your best!

Immunoglobulins for Gut Inflammation, Leaky Gut and Gut Infection

If you are dealing with any kind of gut dysfunction, immunoglobulins may be a key component to your healing. You may already know a little about immunoglobulins or this might be the first time you’ve heard of them. In either case, my goal with this article is to provide you with the info to make a wise decision for your needs.

How to Choose the Best Probiotic

In the world of supplements, none have received more attention than probiotics. While it's true that probiotics are foundational for good health, many probiotics on the market are not optimized. Then how do you find a probiotic that actually works? Read on to spot probiotic myths and learn what really works!

Best Protocols for Gut Repair

I recently had the amazing opportunity to interview Kiran Krishnan, Microbiologist. Kiran is an exceptional resource for understanding your digestive woes and his company’s products are my all-time favorites. In this interview, Kiran dishes out specific protocols you can use to address a variety of conditions.

Leaky Gut Repair: Mega IgG 2000 vs. MegaMucosa

The pursuit of gut health is a life-long journey, one that can be exhausting, frustrating and confusing. If you’re just beginning this journey, stuck somewhere in the middle or looking to up your healthy gut game, this simple plan will point you in the right direction!

The Benefits of Epsom Salt Baths

Epsom salts may not be the most catchy item in your healing arsenal, but they are a powerful tool. Using Epsom salts correctly can provide cheap, effective relief for anxiety, stress, gut issues, poor memory, constipation, and so much more. Read on to learn how to reap these benefits!

Five Easy Ways to Detox the Brain

I recently started reading a book that came out a few years ago called The End of Alzheimer’s by Dr. Dale Bredesen. I was surprised and impressed that Dr. Bredesen classified one of three types of Alzheimer’s as “toxic,” meaning that toxic exposure was a key factor in its development.

Attention! Antioxidants Are for Detox and More!

After studying up on glutathione and CoQ10, I became very intrigued by the power of antioxidants and wanted to learn more. Surprisingly, I didn’t find many resources out there, but I did find a fantastic book by Dr. Lester Packer and Carol Colman….

Why You DO Need to Supplement with (the Right) Vitamin E

You glance at your multivitamin every morning. “Great,” you think. “I’m getting my intake of vitamin E!” But did you know there might be a little more investigative research to tell if you’re intaking a true supplement or a filler? You might not be taking the best vitamin E supplement you can be.

Top Food Sources of Antioxidants

A key component of a powerful diet is the antioxidant: a strong combatant of free radicals. Based on the free-radical theory of aging, free radicals can make you more susceptible to illness and diseases. So, how can you make sure you’re intaking antioxidants properly, and from the best sources? Let’s dive in!

Hair Loss Related to Toxic Mold

There are many, many reasons for hair loss–from thyroid disorder to stress. If you’re suffering from hair loss, this article will provide some causes to consider, especially if you’ve been exposed to toxic mold. Hair is a diva! Each hair is on its own timeline, and is sensitive to many factors.

Why You Should Add Algae to Your Nutritional and Detox Routine

You might not know this, but our lives depend on algae. Algae’s presence on earth brought the first instance of oxygen to initiate life as we know it more than 2.4 billion years ago, and today, it provides earth with half of the world’s everyday oxygen production.

How to Avoid Forever Chemicals in Cookware

If you are reading this blog, you probably know that conventional Teflon is not good for you. It's a good reason to avoid stain/water proofing in things like carpets and especially kids' clothe And you risk releasing Teflon's PFAS chemicals every time you rapidly heat or scratch (even a little bit) non-stick pans.

Patty's Mold Recovery Story

For many of us, mold toxicity is the last thing on our personal list of diagnoses. We grapple with unexplained symptoms for weeks, months, even years until we discover the “silent killer” lurking in our own homes. This is exactly the case for Patty Howe, one of my patients.

Heather's Mold Recovery

When Heather was 7, her parent’s house flooded, and just around that time, she developed an incessant cough that lasted throughout her entire childhood and into adulthood (3:38). It wasn’t until 40 years later that she connected the dots: while her parents thought they’d gotten rid of the hidden mold in their house, Heather’s body was being detrimentally affected from mold toxicity every minute she was inside.

Mitzi's Mold Recovery Story

Many people dealing with mold toxicity aren't aware of the root cause of their health issues, often attributing symptoms like fatigue, aches, and trouble breathing to other conditions. This is exactly what Mitzi experienced after being exposed to mold in her mother's home before developing an array of health issues.