mold test to assess for mold exposure and toxicity

Hair Loss Related to Toxic Mold

There are many, many reasons for hair loss–from thyroid disorder to stress. If you’re suffering from hair loss, this article will provide some causes to consider, especially if you’ve been exposed to toxic mold. Hair is a diva! Each hair is on its own timeline, and is sensitive to many factors.

Are You in Mold Denial?

“How common is toxic mold? How do I know if I have it? Why can’t I just hide under a chair and not learn this stuff?” It may be an ‘inconvenient truth,’ but better to know and heal than suffer worsening life-long symptoms. In this article, we’ll help you get out of mold denial and take your next best steps as needed.

Organic Acids Testing for Detox Decisions

Even if you know you need to detox, where do you start? Each person’s body is unique, and there is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach. Read on to learn how a simple lab test gives insight into the proper way to detox YOUR body.