Why Your Probiotic Supplement Isn't Working With Kiran Krishnan
Kiran Krishnan is a Microbiologist and has over 20 years experience in the probiotics industry. He is trained in Microbiology and Biochemistry and worked in several companies developing health products. He left academic research and opened his own clinical research organization and now focuses on carrying out clinical research on the various nutritional products produced by different companies.
Kiran's journey on probiotics started about 12 years ago when he was hired by a large company to research on the probiotics market. He found out that most probiotic products in the market had been created based on presumptions from decades ago on what the microbiome was like.
In this episode we will talk about the microbiome and Kirian will introduce us to the term holobiome. We will talk about good and bad bacteria in the gut, how the body gets out of microbiome balance, diet as well as supplements. We will discuss in detail about a probiotic product he developed in his lab and talk about its possible side effects for patients with certain disorders like candida/yeast infection.
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Bridgit Danner, Founder of Women's Wellness Collaborative