If you’re looking for a way to promote daily detox, then look no further than broccoli sprouts! If you’re wondering if they live up to all the hype, then you’ve come to the right place. In this article we’ll dive into how broccoli sprouts get their detox superpowers and see if they might be a good fit for your health journey.
How Toxins Affect Your Weight with Lara Adler
Lara Adler is an environmental toxins expert who teaches practitioners very detailed information about toxins so that they can share it with their clients. In this episode we talk about how & why toxins affect our weight, ways to reduce toxins in our lives, and childhood obesity.
Here's what you'll hear:
Min 02:30 Maintaining healthy body weight
Min 07:10 How toxins & phamaceuticals affect body weight
Min 14:50 Genetics & body weight
Min 19:30 The diet & eating healthy organic food
Min 27:50 Other ways chemicals can trigger weight gain
Min 36:40 Going organic to reduce toxin exposure
Min 39:00 Doing away with plastics & fragrances
Min 44:50 Benefits of filtrating water
Min 55:25 Lara Adler's resources
To learn more about Lara Adler, visit her website here and follow her on social media:
Beautycounter shop - for non-toxic line of beauty products
Tools for Teaching Toxicity
Lara Adler's PDF Guide
Learn more about phthalates (chemicals in plastic) here
And here's the video version of the interview with Lara Adler:
5 Easy Detox Swaps for Women’s Health
Are you doing all the ‘right things’ but still feeling blah?
Get my list of 5 Easy Detox Swaps for Women’s Health to start clearing out the toxins and reset your system to feel better today!
Alternatives to Nasty Chemical Products in Your Home by Teresa Jungling
How many chemicals are you being exposed to on a daily basis? Probably more than you can imagine! When it comes to personal care products, it is estimated that the average woman typically uses 9-12 personal care products each day (including cosmetics). This exposes her to between 125-168 different chemicals. In addition to personal care products, there are other items you come in contact with throughout the day such as cleaning chemicals, plastics, flame retardants and more.
Chemicals used in household products are taking a toll on us. For the sake of your health, it’s important to take steps to reduce the amount of chemicals you are being exposed to everyday.
When It Comes to Household Products Consider the Following:
There are roughly 85,000 chemicals registered for use in the United States and only a small percentage of those chemicals have been thoroughly tested for safety.
Roughly 1,300 chemicals used in everyday products are considered endocrine disruptors
“The law does not require cosmetic products and ingredients, other than color additives, to have FDA approval before they go on the market.” “Neither the law nor FDA regulations require specific tests to demonstrate the safety of individual products or ingredients. The law also does not require cosmetic companies to share their safety information with FDA.”
Ditch Toxic Household Products!
So what are we to do? Is it possible to ditch everyday household products filled with nasty chemicals and opt for more natural alternatives? Yes, it definitely is!
When it comes to household products, the following natural ingredients provide great alternatives to costly, toxic chemical products.
Vinegar is a weak acid that disinfects, sanitizes and deodorizes. Therefore it is a great natural cleaning substance. Vinegar is proven to be effective against a variety of viruses, bacteria, and mold. Vinegar has a wide array of uses and can help clean everything from your carpet and tile to your bathroom and laundry.
Personally, I add vinegar to my laundry instead of using fabric softener and I keep a spray bottle of vinegar in my bathroom to help clean my shower. After showering, I spray vinegar on the walls and in the corners of my shower to help reduce the growth of mildew.
Baking Soda:
Baking soda is 100 percent sodium bicarbonate and helps regulate pH. When you think of baking soda, you might think of it as an ingredient in a baked good. However, baking soda has many other beneficial uses and is a great deodorizer, neutralizer and cleanser. It also has anti-fungal properties.
Baking soda can be used as a scouring agent on your kitchen counters. I use baking soda as a scouring agent on my shower floor. You can make it into a cleaning paste by adding a little water. Baking soda is also great to keep in your refrigerator as a deodorizer. In addition to the above, baking soda cuts grease so try it when you clean dishes or want to remove an oil stain from clothing.
Essential Oils
Essential oils are great to add to your cleaning recipes. Different oils offer different benefits. Tea tree oil is a popular option when it comes to cleaning since it has powerful antimicrobial properties. It also has antiseptic and anti-fungal properties.
Tea tree oil is distilled from the Australian tree Melaleuca alternifolia and can help fight mildew. Use it in your laundry to help remove the smell of mildew from your clothing and use it in your cleansers to help with disinfecting surfaces.
Eliminating chemicals from your household products is possible and is a huge benefit to you and your family!
Teresa Jungling is the owner of the healthy living blog, Living Natural Today and the previous radio show host of Living Natural Today - Out with Toxins, In with Your Health. Living Natural Today is a resource for those looking to create a more natural home and live a healthier lifestyle. Download her free guide to discover ways in which you can create a healthier, more natural home for you and your family.
Living Low Tox with Brodie Welch & Alexx Stuart
Alexx Stuart is the founder of Low Tox Life and she’s our guest this week talking to Brodie Welch about toxins and good eating habits.
Click here to download an mp3 of "Living Low Tox with Brodie Welch & Alexx Stuart."
Here's what you'll hear:
Min 03:00 Introduction to Alexx Stuart
Min 06:10 Alexx's introduction to naturopathy
Min 09:45 Fragrances, phthalates & hormone disruptors
Min 14:50 The skin & absorption of chemicals
Min 17:00 3 steps to reducing toxin exposure & Alexx's recommended products
Min 25:50 Other sources of toxins
Min 30:00 Substituting plastics to reduce toxin exposure
Min 31:15 Endocrine disrupting chemicals
Min 33:30 Alexx Stuart's work & coaching programs
Min 34:30 Thrive - improving children's eating habits
Brodie Welch is the host of the podcast ‘A Healthy Curiosity’. You can find her on her website here and on social media:
To learn more about Alexx Stuart, visit her website here and follow her on social media:
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If you have not yet joined our community, be sure to grab our hidden Hormone stressors quiz here, and come on board!
This episode was originally featured on Brodie Welch's podcast "A Healthy Curiosity" here.
Thanks for listening,
Bridgit Danner, Founder of Women's Wellness Collaborative
Hormone Disrupting Chemicals With Sophia Gushee
Our guest this week is Sophia Gushee, a mother of three. She has collected several books to guide her in taking care of her babies. One day she read that there are some cancer causing and hormone disrupting chemicals in some baby bottle nipples. She researched further and found legitimate concerns but was disappointed when she couldn’t find any alternative options for the baby bottles.
She became really passionate about spreading awareness and informing others so that they can make healthier choices. She ended up organizing all her 8 years of research into the book A to Z of D-Toxing: The Ultimate Guide to Reducing Our Toxic Exposures.
“There is a lot I can do individually as a mother but there’s even more we can do collectively as a community.”
This is a great interview especially if you're trying to conceive or you have young children. We talk about:
1. Chemical explosion. 84,000 chemicals have been introduced into American commerce and less than 1% have been tested for safety. By Oct. 2015, only 5 chemicals could be regulated by the EPA. These show up in our lives as really useful products like shower curtains, toys and so many things and they create value and benefit.
2. Regulation of chemicals, the EPA, and the Toxic Substances Control Act, which went into effect in 1976. It was sufficiently protecting public health and was just updated a few months ago.
3. Sources of chemicals in our daily lives
4. Endocrine disrupting chemicals
5. Effects of toxic exposure - these may not be seen immediately
6. Products to avoid due to toxicity and which ones to use
7. Chemical filtration options
8. Diet and organic food eating – the dirty dozen and the clean 15
Sophia recently started a podcast series where she shares her continued discoveries about how to live a practical non-toxic life.
To learn more about Sophia Gushee, you can find her on her website and on social media:
Thanks for listening.
Bridgit Danner, Founder of Women's Wellness Collaborative.
And here's the video where we talk about 3 chemicals that disrupt women's hormones.
Skin Care: Dangers and Possibilities with Denie Hiestand
Denie Hiestand is a natural health consultant, author, research expert, and former successful New Zealand dairy farmer. Denie has spent decades studying the skin and toxins/chemicals in everyday cosmetics and personal care products and identified a strong link between the high usage of chemical personal care products and the growing rates of cancers, infertility, hormone imbalances, allergies and various other modern day illnesses.
In response to his patient’s requests, Denie set about to create a completely pure and natural range of skincare products which not only contained none of the harmful additives found in the majority of commercial products, but equally importantly, contained life-giving, cell nourishing ingredients which feed and nourish the skin.
It took him eight years, many attempts and a big investment of his own money (including selling his wife's car out from under her!) to develop his skincare line, called The Cream.
Denie has a no-nonsense "New Zealand farm boy" style in his communication. His passion to prevent women from using dangerous skin care products, and his passion to formulate alternative, effective products is evident in this interview.
Here are a few things he shared about conventional skincare:
Chemicals in skin cream are designed to enter through skin
This makes them the #1 source of toxin ingestion- absorbing up to 2.6 lbs a year
99% of disease involves toxins
90% of chemicals in use are used in cosmetics
One month on commercial skincare is worse 10 years of smoking
In reproductive women, toxins are stored in the fatty acid reserves, which the fetus lives off of in the 1st trimester
In menopausal women, storage is more in the organs such as the breast
Denie's skincare line is colostrum-based. Colostrum is produced in lactating mammals the first 72 hours after giving birth.
These days colostrum is being used more a health supplement. Denie was already aware of the power of colostrum from his experience as a dairy farmer. Colostrum activates the cells, the immune system, and has "electric and zeta potential." It stimulates growth hormone.
Their colostrum is sourced from healthy, grass-fed, antibiotic-free New Zealand dairy cows. The cows produce a surplus, so collecting it is no detriment to their offspring.
Denie and his staff are extending a 20% discount plus free shipping to our listeners through June 30, 2016 with the code HEALTHYSKIN at check-out. Shop and explore at TheCream.com.
You can listen to the interview below, and be sure to subscribe to a podcast at iTunes or most podcast players.
Reducing Toxins for a Healthy Conception with Lara Adler
Lara Adler is a Certified Holistic Health Coach and an Environmental Toxins Expert, and, let me tell you something, this girl knows her toxins. Many of us know a thing or two about toxins, but Lara knows everything!
Today we talk about the influence of toxins on fertility and our growing babies. Because developing fetuses are so much more susceptible to the mal-effects of toxins, and because the effects can last a lifetime, it is important that we learn how to protect them as much as is possible.
However this episode is helpful for anyone who is curious about toxins and how to reduce them.
Tired of having that same old argument with your uncle Ron, with him saying that there is no reason to be worried about RoundUp and food coloring and the like? Now you have some ammunition!
In this episode, we'll learn:
That indoor air quality can be 50-100 times worse than outdoors
That some chemicals are neurotoxins, especially in developing baby
The chemicals are linked to PCOS (leading cause of sub-fertility)
The chemicals linked to fertility issues in men
How birth defects on boy babies are on the rise
That being pregnant detoxes chemicals out of mom and into baby
That avoiding BPA is not enough and why
And Lara's three best first steps to reduce your toxic load
To learn more about Lara, visit her site here. Lara specializes in teaching practitioners, but will be expanding her offerings to the public over time.
You can listen through the audio player below. But the best way to get this and all our interviews, wherever you are, is to be subscribed to our podcast.