What to Do If You Get Sick
This past week I started to feel sick. Anytime that happens I start to pile on the supplements, as there’s a lot of good you can do in that early stage.
But by morning I felt worse, which is a bummer anytime but much more so in the time of COVID. Probably like most people, I panicked and wanted testing right away. I did get tested later that day, but am still waiting on results.
You may have already passed through an illness in these three months (please share your experiences below) but this was my first time. Getting sick really made me reflect on my prevention and how to respond when symptoms start. Here are my thoughts below!
Please note that these are my opinions and I am not your physician. I do not diagnose or treat disease. Please consult your physician before any new health program.
Boost Immunity While Getting Back Out There
Arizona, where I live, has never had the strictest lockdown. And we’ve been opening up for a couple of weeks now. After two months of dutifully staying at home and staying healthy, I was ready!
But now I am sick and not sure where I got it or what it is. It makes me less enthusiastic about opening up. But in the end we all have to get back to interaction, so we need a plan!
As we opened up, I still wore a mask to shops, although not the coffee shop where I sit outside. Now that I have symptoms I am not going to any shops at all. My friend got me dog food and a few things.
Frankly, I was getting more lax on my supplements after two healthy months at home. But now that I’m sick here’s what I wish I had done every day.
Steps for Prevention
Take the Daily Essentials Kit daily.
Take 1 Vitamin D daily.
Dry brush every morning
Use ACS Silver Spray my nose each morning, night, and if I come back from somewhere.
Use Biocidin Throat Spray my throat each morning, night, and if I come back from somewhere.
This is an easy plan that is affordable and accessible for most everyone. Kids can do a similar plan, with kids’ doses of chewable or liquid vitamins. Kids can exercise instead of dry brush.
I was not doing all those 5 steps religiously when I got sick, and who can say if it would have prevented it, but, looking back, I wish I had been more doing them!
The Daily Essentials Kit has a multivitamin, fish oil, and magnesium that can boost immunity and lower inflammation. The dry brush clears lymphatic waste so that your immune system can communicate better. And the nasal spray and throat spray provide front line defense for any germs that may land in these places.
Steps for Once You Are Sick
The truth is that you will likely get sick with something in the next 9 months while COVID is kicking around. In my opinion, until you get a diagnosis, it’s important to act as if and be proactive.
Continue the above and:
Stay home- don’t go to work or run errands
Avoid others in the home
Get tested quickly
Keep the house clean with non-toxic cleaners
Run essential oil diffusers to clean the air (I like Purify and On Guard blends)
Use a sauna daily if you can
Use a castor oil pack daily
Do a coffee enema daily if you are up for it!
Drink lots of fluids
Avoid any sugars or processed foods
Do partial fasting if it feels ok
Use a nasal wash
Use a steam inhaler with ½ tsp colloidal silver added
Take 2 olive leaf a day (anti-viral herb)
Take 2 GI Detox at bedtime (binder that also blocks viruses)
Take vitamin C throughout the day totaling 5-6 gm/ day
Take 2 Broccoli Sprout and Seed a day (supports the liver too)
Get more sleep as needed
Be cautious of sleeper symptoms--when oxygen dips you could be lethargic
If you can’t afford everything on this list, don’t fret. Just do a variety of things. There are so many immune boosters out there. Other ideas include: ginger tea, Epsom salt baths, lemon water, chicken soup…. you get the idea!
Science-Backed Supplements for Safe Immune Support
Are you wondering how to best support your immunity? Theories abound, but not all of them are based on facts. In this book, I only present the information I can back up. I’ll do some myth-busting and share some information on dealing with pre-existing conditions and keeping your immunity strong!
Grab my guide to arm yourself with the healthy facts!
Bridgit Danner, LAc, FDNP, is trained in functional health coaching and has worked with thousands of women over her career since 2004. She is the founder of Women’s Wellness Collaborative llc and HormoneDetoxShop.com.