Sleep science — Functional medicine - hormones - detox - gut health - thyroid — Bridgit Danner, Functional Health Coach & Detox Expert

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Sleep science

Sleep Science with Brodie Welch & Dr. Michael Breus

Brodie Welch is an acupuncturist in the state of Oregon and host of the podcast ‘A Healthy Curiosity’. In this episode she's hosting Dr. Michael Breus who is a sleep expert to talk about all things sleep.

Click here to download an mp3 of "Sleep science with Brodie Welch & Michael Breus"

Here's what you'll hear: 

Min 02:10 Introduction to Dr. Michael Breus
Min 03:30 Effects of sleep on the metabolic process
Min 05:40 The sleep & weight loss connection
Min 07:00 How much sleep do you need?
Min 09:00 Sleep deprivation & its effects on the body
Min 12:30 The 4 chronotypes & the optimal time to go to bed
Min 15:50 Chronic sleep problems
Min 18:20 5 Tips to improve sleep quality
Min 24:20 Blue-light screens and melatonin
Min 28:40 Myths about sleep

To learn more about Dr. Michael Breus, you can find him on his website here or follow him on social media:





Brodie Welch is the host of the podcast ‘A Healthy Curiosity’. You can find her on her website here or follow her on social media:




The Power of When Quiz - to find out your chronotype

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This episode was originally featured on Brodie Welch's podcast "A Healthy Curiosity" here.


Thanks for listening,

Bridgit Danner, Founder of Women's Wellness Collaborative