Seafood Safety & Seafood Benefits with Randy Hartnell
Randy Hartnell is the Founder of Vital Choice Wild Seafood & Organics. He's our guest this week where we talk about seafood safety & the nutritional benefits of seafood. There are a lot of questions and misinformation around seafood but Randy's going to help clear up in this episode.
Click here to download an mp3 of "Seafood Safety & Seafood Benefits with Randy Hartnell".
Here's what you'll hear:
Min 02:05 Introduction to Randy Hartnell
Min 04:35 How Vital Choice was born
Min 09:00 Differences between farmed & wild fish
Min 13:30 Farmed salmon & eating out
Min 16:40 Fukushima radiation & seafood safety
Min 21:20 Benefits of eating seafood
Min 31:00 Antioxidants in seafood
Min 32:55 Vital Choice supplements
To learn more about Vital Choice, visit their website here and use coupon code WWC15 for 15% off through September 2017.
Follow them on social media:
Randy's Book Recommendations
Hardwiring Happiness
When Brains Collide by Michael D. Lewis
The Queen of Fats by Susan Allport
Here's a video version of the interview I did with Randy Hartnell.
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Thanks for listening,
Bridgit Danner, Founder of Women's Wellness Collaborative