The Trouble With Oxalates with Lisa Pomeroy
Lisa Pomeroy is a traditional naturopath, FDN practitioner, Certified BioIndividual nutritional practitioner and Certified Gluten practitioner.
While I was studying FDN (Functional Diagnostic Nutrition), Lisa brought up the term "Oxalates" which I was not familiar with. These are compounds found in plant foods. They are not very much known, and as people do their best to eat healthy foods, they do not know that some of those foods are very high in oxalates. And if one has other health issues, these oxalates can accumulate and cause a lot of health problems.
We also talk about:
Sources of oxalates especially from foods
At what point oxalates become an issue in the body
Bacteria in the gut that eat oxalates
Signs of excess oxalates in the body and some of the illnesses or problems they can cause
Strains that help with eating/breaking down oxalates
Nutrients that help control oxalate levels
And so much more…
To learn more about Lisa Pomeroy, visit her website here. You can also follow her on Facebook.
FDN Advanced Training modules for practitioners
Lisa's 1-page handout on oxalates
Thanks for listening!
Bridgit Danner, Founder of Women’s Wellness Collaborative
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