Mayan Abdominal Massage — Functional medicine - hormones - detox - gut health - thyroid — Bridgit Danner, Functional Health Coach & Detox Expert

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Mayan Abdominal Massage

Addressing Pelvic Pain and Infertility with Dr. Jennifer Mercier

Dr. Jennifer Mercier is a triple threat: naturopath, massage therapist and midwife.  I kind of fall in love with her work on the episode, as you'll hear!  

It was Jennifer's own experience with stage 4 endometriosis, coupled with her medical training, that helped her develop the Mercier Therapy.

Mercier Therapy is her own system of abdominal therapy that works with the ligaments and organs to move them into alignment with the goals of restoring function and /or reducing pain.

For women, it can help us have a smoother cycle, recover from surgeries, improve our fertility and heal trauma.

I find so many have strange sensations in their abdomens that they worry about. And many have complications form C section or even a natural birth, and feel there are no options to heal.  Still other have unexplained infertility, that can potentially respond to a new approach.

Jennifer works locally in St. Charles, IL, but also trains practitioners in other states and countries.  That means if this type of work speaks to you, you may be able to fidn a practitioner in your area.  And if you are practitioner, training is available.  

Her clinic

Her training program

Find a practitioner

The Mercier Movie

We are hosting a free Recipe Party Jan 9 -31, 2016. See new blog post to join!

Listen to the Interview

You can listen to the interview through the player below, but even better is to get subscribed to Women's Wellness Radio through your Apple or Android podcast player!