Justina Thompson

Learn Your Most Fertile Window With Justina Thompson

Justina Thompson

Welcome to Day 7 of Fertility Week!

Justina Thompson is a Fertility Awareness Method (FAM) coach and is our last guest for Fertility Week. She took a 2-year certification program with Sarah Naomi Bly and has successfully been using FAM to prevent pregnancy for 7 years. It is a natural birth control method free from side effects.

She learnt more about the importance of FAM for couples trying to get pregnantduring her 2 years training and while in internship.  A large portion of her training involved understanding how hormones work for the female body from the scientific level.  The focus for the program was to support hormonal health with lifestyle, nutrition and environmental factors.

Couples are often told by their doctors that unless they’ve been trying to conceive for more than 12 months, then they should keep trying which kind of leaves them in the dark. But with FAM and other types of charting like the BBT, which is very popular, the method targets the time when the woman is most fertile and more capable of conceiving.

In this episode, Justina talks about:

  1. Fertility Awareness Method (FAM) and how it works

  2. Signs of fertility in women - cervical fluid, BBT charting and cervical position

  3. Factors that trigger early or late ovulation

  4. Ovulation Predictor Kits (OPKs)

  5. Common problems and frustrations in charting

Access Today's Interview

You can listen to today's interview through the player below, or through our podcast channel, Women's Wellness Radio.  Our podcast is available for subscription on iTunes and other podcast players as well.

Today's Raffle

Today we are raffling another amazing Nutribullet blender, plus a care kit from Healthy Hoohoo.

Healthy HooHoo is a mild, PH- balanced, chemical free feminine wash.  Founder Stacy Lyon has generously donated 3 foaming wash cleansers (enough for one year) and 3 travel packs of wipes. Maintaining a normal vaginal PH is important for fertility, and keeping the endocrine-disrupting toxins found in most washes away from your body is important too!

About Justina

If you want to learn more about Justina Thompson, click here to visit her website.

You can also follow her on:




PS: I'm going to do a webinar called "Perfect Periods for Fertility" this coming Wednesday Nov.16 at 4.00 PM Pacific Time. So be sure to mark it on your calendar and join me.

We put all of Justina's information together in a handy sheet, print-able for you. You can get a copy by using the button below: