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How to Finally Reach Your Health Goals with Nanci Tunley

Nanci Tunley was already trained in Pilates, nutrition and functional medicine, but she felt like something was still missing from her practice.  She found the missing link in transformation coaching.  She uses this tool to help women overcome their blocks to reach their health goals.

In this interview, we cover:

  • Something we can do right away to start to change

  • Important questions that you may have never asked yourself

  • A case study about weight loss

On the call I got to pin Nanci down and have her give the steps to transformation. Here's what she came up with:

  1. State what you want

  2. Step back

  3. Let go as needed

  4. Be able to say yes

  5. Choose your beliefs

  6. Take empowered action

A previous episode I mentioned on the show is Weight Loss Starts with Trust with Michelle Hastie Thompson.  Check out that one here.

To learn about private and group coaching with Nanci, visit her website here.

As mentioned on the show, the Fuel Your Fertility Summit is happening Jul 20-30, 2016.  It is completely free and highly recommended if you are trying to conceive.  I will be speaking, along with 20 other fertility experts.  Register here.

You can hear my interview with Nanci through the player below.  

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