Outsmart Your Stubborn Symptoms with Hormone Detox Shop — Bridgit Danner, Functional Health Coach & Detox Expert

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Outsmart Your Stubborn Symptoms with Hormone Detox Shop


Admittedly, our Hormone Detox Shop could be a little overwhelming! As we see private clients, and as each case is unique, we carry a lot of things. But there are some supplements, as well as some complaints, that are the most common.

Today I’m matching the most common complaints with the most popular remedies we sell. You know your body the best, so have fun mixing and matching for your needs. We offer a 30-day return policy so if something’s really not a fit, it’s on us!


  1. Brain Fog

Brain fog is a common complaint with various possible reasons why.

Causes include

  • Toxic mold

  • Leaky brain related to leaky gut

  • Brain injury

  • Menopausal estrogen changes

  • Lack of oxygen

  • Mitochondrial dysfunction

  • Heavy metal toxicity. 

These are my top supplements for brain fog, and also consider other systems in your body that may be struggling.

A. Micellized Pure PC

This highly absorbable phospholipid reduces inflammation at the cell wall, thus supporting communication between the neurons in the brain. It is the most effective thing I’ve found for a foggy brain. Dose is 1-2 teaspoons/day.

B. Chelated Magnesium

Your brain loves magnesium and most of us are deficient (like everybody!). To get magnesium into your cells, this chelated form is highly effective. We offer a powder and now offer a capsule too. Dosage is 300-600 mg/day.

C. Omega Concentrate

Your brain needs DHA that can only be found in fish products or algae products. If your brain does not have enough DHA it may actually destroy neurons to harvest the DHA! Avoid all that with a daily dose of 2 capsules, or take more for acute inflammation.

2. Immune Support

Nowadays we all have to consider immune support a ‘lil harder. These are our top sellers in that category:

A. ACS Silver Nasal Spray

This is such a simple remedy for preventing colds and flus! Simply spray twice in each nostril morning and night, or more if traveling, etc. Great for kids and people who won’t take pills!

B. Biocidin TS (Throat Spray)

This herbal formula lands right in the back of your throat where germs like to multiply. Like the nasal spray, you are attacking right at the battleground! Again, easy to take. I do a few sprays at night for prevention, and about five times a day if I am sick.

C. MegaSporeBiotic

The darling of our shop, this super smart probiotic directs traffic in your large intestine to starve unfriendly bacteria and feed the good ones. A healthy microbiome promotes immunity in this key location for immune defense. Dosage is 2 per day with a protein meal.

D. Mega IgG 2000

The microbiome gets a lot of attention, but this mucosal layer in your gut is also very important. Your gut mucosa contains immune factors that fight infection. Mega IgG 2000 uses a bovine source to boost your body with more immunoglobulins. Dosage is 2-4 a day with breakfast, and more if having a stomach flu.

E. MegaMucosa

MegaMucosa is a similar product to Mega IgG 2000, except that it has fewer immunoglobulins and adds some amino acids to build your mucous layer. To choose between them, think Mega IgG 2000 for chronic diarrhea and current infections, and MegaMucosa for food sensitivities, constipation and prevention. Dosage is one scoop a day in water.

F. Daily D with K

Vitamin D has been well-documented for its benefit against respiratory infections. Most everyone is deficient! This daily, high-quality D3 at 5,000 IU plus supportive K2 will get you through the winter with just one capsule a day!

3. Low Energy

Low energy is a top complaint we hear, along with brain fog and gut troubles! It can have many reasons, and you can have several at once. 

Causes include:

  • Toxic mold

  • Low adrenal function

  • Hypothyroidism

  • Mitochondrial dysfunction

  • Poor sleep

  • Low micronutrient status

  • Caffeine addiction

  • Chronic infections 

A. Hi-Potency Multivitamin

I am shocked how many of our clients do not take a regular multivitamin! This is your protection against the many symptoms that can arise all over the body from nutrient deficiency. Cover your bases with our daily, highly absorbable multivitamin. Dosage is 2 per day.

B. Vitamin B12

We do lab testing on our private clients and many are having trouble dividing their red blood cells that carry oxygen around the body. If you have never tried a daily B12, give it a try! B vitamins cannot be stored and you do need them daily. Just one a day is the dose.

C. CoQ10

I learned about CoQ10 turns the tail end of my mold journey when I was somewhat better but not fully. I was almost jaded to try new things at this point, but I thought I'd give it a try! CoQ10 does not produce an energy spike like caffeine, but rather feeds cellular energy all over the body, resulting in not only better daily energy but better function of the whole system. Your cellular mitochondria can be profoundly damaged by toxins, leaving you depleted. Dosage is 2 in the morning.

4. Digestive Issues

It’s hard to have a happy gut in our modern world but it’s not impossible! Even if you’ve had issues for years, you CAN have a happy gut again.

A. MegaSporeBiotic

Our most popular product by far, MegaSpore contains spore-based bacillus strains that survive to the gut and direct bacterial production traffic to your benefit. Take 2 a day with a protein meal.

B. Mega IgG 2000

Mega IgG 2000 is great for diarrhea, toxic mold, gut infections and leaky gut. Take 2-4 with breakfast and more if having a stomach flu. Can be a bit constipating (not for everyone), so make sure you drink extra water or couple this with other bowel motility methods if you struggle with this.

C. MegaMucosa

This ‘magic drink’ soothes irritation in the gut for constipation and food sensitivities. One serving a day is the norm.

D. MegaPre

This prebiotic drink feeds the friendly bacteria in the gut and pairs perfectly with MegaSporeBiotic. Start with a ¼ scoop in water and work up to a full scoop sipped through the day or take in the evening. Can make you gassy as you adjust that why I suggest going slowly or taking it at night!

E. Bowel Mover 

Americans are very constipated. There, I said it! You really need to move your bowels to detox and it’s obviously quite uncomfortable to be constipated too. Bowel Mover is a gentle and effective best-selling laxative. Take 2 capsules 1-2 X day.

F. MegaGuard

MegaGuard is a really interesting formula that deserves attention. It stimulates digestive movement from the stomach to the gallbladder to the large intestine. So it can help with indigestion, nausea, constipation and poor digestion of fats. It also treats H. pylori infections. Dosage is 2 with lunch and 2 with dinner.

5. Oral Health

Oral health is an issue in which people are hungry for information and solutions. In the natural medicine world, the ‘dental zone’ is still very low on holistic practitioners. But there are some great books coming out, great research being done, and some phenomenal consumer products now available.

A. Dentalcidin

This unique herbal toothpaste contains a blend of botanicals and essential oils to balance the oral microbiome. Yes, it’s safe to use daily. Think of it as a little rebalance for the billions of bacteria in there each time you use it.

B. Biocidin LS mouthwash

If you have existing oral infections, be sure to add in this mouthwash. With a liposomal delivery system, it has even before shown to reduce Lyme infections in dental pockets!

6. Detox Support

Although ‘detox support’ is not a symptom, it is a necessity! Our environment is more toxic than ever, our food less nutritious and our microbiome less diverse. So many symptoms, from headaches to weight gain, can stem from sub-par detoxification.

A. Dry Brush Set

You don’t have to know what toxins you have to get them moving! Dry brushing is a time-honored technique that circulates the lymph and stimulates the skin. Your lymphatic system takes out the trash, but it can get congested. Keep it moving with a quick morning dry brush each day. 

When I was at my sickest, dry brushing gave me a daily energy boost. The habit stuck and I still feel best when I dry brush! Also helps with cellulite.

B. GI Detox

If the lymphatic system is the garbage route, binders are trash bags. You don’t just dump your trash in the road, you bag it up so it’s removed properly. Ok, I’m mixing up analogies a bit on this one, but binders help you detox by chemically or physically binding toxins in the digestive tract. 

A basic dosage is 2 before bed, but sometimes we do more on a detox program. It’s also a great part of a sauna routine. It can cause constipation, so use the Bowel Mover mentioned above as needed.

C. ACG Glutathione Spray

Glutathione is the most potent antioxidant detoxifier. Made and recycled in the liver, glutathione is depleted in instances of toxic overload. 

This easy spray can be adjusted in dose and can even be used for kids. Consider their size when deciding a dose. Typical dosing is 6 sprays morning and night.

Bridgit Danner, LAc, FDNP, is trained in functional health coaching and has worked with thousands of women over her career since 2004. She is the founder of Women’s Wellness Collaborative llc and HormoneDetoxShop.com.

Check out her easy 5-Day DIY Detox Guide here!
