Join the January Recipe Party
This was a recipe for Chicken Tajine from Mediterranean Paleo that turned out so delicious.
I was calling this a "Recipe Challenge," but realized that sounded too intimidating! This is actually the least intimidating challenge...
How the Recipe Party Started
I love to cook but am bad about cracking a recipe book, or planning out what I need for recipes at the store. I also have fantasies that I will compete on Masterchef someday, so I need to broaden my knowledge!!!
Anyway, at first I thought, "I'm going to cook one new recipe a day in January!" Then I realized that is pretty demanding, and it's hard to start right after the holidays. So I softened it up a bit.
What is the Recipe Party
The Recipe Party is simply a way for us to get inspired in cooking new things by sharing with and supporting each other. We will do this through our private Facebook group. You will have to ask to join the group first since it's a private group.
How the Recipe Party Works
Starting January 9, you can resolve to make as little or as many recipes as you want through January 30. You can do literally only one new recipe if you want. That might be enough for you with your schedule, or your cooking history!
You can use recipes from a website you like, from your Grandmother, or from some recipe books that are collecting dust on your shelves.
You can cook vegetarian, all desserts, or paleo. It's up to you!
So as you can see, there are no rules at all in this recipe party.
What to Do Next
Go to the Facebook group and ask to join. Once I have clicked the approval, please come post an introduction of yourself.
Here's an example:
"Hi I'm Bridgit and I'm from Portland, OR. The books I'm going to cook from are the Ketogenic Cookbook, Mediterranean Paleo and the Virgin cookbook. I intend to cook 3 new recipes a week, probably 2 on the weekend and 2 during the week. Looking forward to getting to know you, and trying some, new yummy foods!"
That's it! From there you are welcome to share successful recipes, or complete failures. This is not meant to be stressful, so don't beat yourself up if you don't cook as much as you planned.
The reason I like short-term challenges (or parties) is that it rocks us out of our routine, and then maybe we realize some easy way to shop for recipes, or we start creating our own recipes, or joining in with neighbors to can fruit. Things happen when we push ourselves in a new direction, and hopefully we can do it in a fun and supportive way.
See you on the group! Bridgit