Live SHINE Health Conference Happening October 2015!
SHINE Conference 2015
Excitement is building around the SHINE Conference, a 3-day LIVE transformational event for practitioners on Friday, October 30 – Sunday, November 1, 2015 at the Hyatt Regency Lost Pines Resort and Spa.
What is SHINE?
SHINE (Scientific Holistic Investigation of Nutrition Endocrinology) is a yearly conference for holistic health practitioners. This yearly conference is based on the scientific and holistic investigation of nutritional endocrinology and this year’s focus is a hot topic and focus is The Gut-Brain Connection in Clinical Practice. We find it really fascinating that researchers are now calling the Gut our Second Brain.
The event features live lectures on a functional medicine / nutritional approach to the gut-brain axis that you can start applying in your practice right away, or on yourself!
SHINE is open to practitioners from health coaches to MDs, and also the motivated layman, who just wants to learn more and be healthy.
Event lecturers include:
Dr. Tom O'Bryan (the gluten expert)
Mike Mutzel (the belly fat expert)
Steph Jackson (the probiotics expert)
And more!
About Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo
Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo is fiercely committed to transforming our current broken disease-care system into a true health care system where each and every practitioner is skilled at finding the root cause of health challenges and using ancient healing wisdom married with modern scientific research to restore balance.
As the founder of the Institute of Nutritional Endocrinology, Dr. Ritamarie specializes in using the wisdom of nature to restore balance to hormones with a special emphasis on thyroid, adrenal, and insulin imbalances. Her practitioner training programs empower health and nutrition practitioners to get to the root cause of health concerns by using functional assessments and natural therapeutics to balance the endocrine system, the master controller.
Dr. Ritamarie is a licensed Doctor of Chiropractic with Certification in Acupuncture and is a Diplomat of the American Clinical Nutrition Board. She is a Certified Clinical Nutritionist with a Master of Science in Human Nutrition and Computer Science, and she has completed a 2-year, 500-hour Herbal Medicine Program.
Dr. Ritamarie is also a certified living foods chef, instructor, and coach, and she has trained and certified hundreds of others in the art of using palate-pleasing, whole fresh food as medicine. As a certified HeartMath® provider, Dr. Ritamarie is passionate about using HeartMath® techniques to guide clients and reduce the negative impact of stress on their health.
A best-selling author, speaker, and internationally recognized nutrition and women's health authority with over 23 years of clinical experience, Dr. Ritamarie offers online courses, long-distance coaching and counseling, and deeply empowering and informative live events.
Her articles have appeared in the Journal of Nutritional Perspectives, Natural Awakenings, Purely Delicious, and many other national magazines as well as countless online publications.