Learn About Colostrum — Bridgit Danner, Functional Health Coach & Detox Expert

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Learn About Colostrum

One of the wonderful things about my job is that I get to continually learn more. Two supplements I've recently studied I wanted to share with you.

They are IGG Colostrum powder and its cousin, Immunolox, by Nutrasumma.

Colostrum is the 'first milking' of mammals, but it's not exactly milk. It's a fatty, nutrient-dense liquid that has (at least) 200 beneficial components to human health. Some of those components include stem cell growth factor (read: makes you new tissue) and proline-rich polypeptides (read: regulates inflammation through the immune system response.)

When baby mammals are first born, their guts needs to be readied to process the nourishment, and block the foreign invaders, it will soon encounter. As 70% of our immune system is in our gut, colostrum is a big benefit to the immune system as well.

When babies are born, their guts are leaky. They have not yet developed a barrier. Colostrum quickly comes in creates the initial barrier. So colostrum, even for us non-babies, is very helpful for healing leaky gut and reducing food sensitivities.

In addition to these uses, colostrum products are great for airborne allergies, as allergies are a manifestation of one branch of the immune system being under-active, while another branch is over-active.

When our bodies are constantly dealing with the stressful inflammation of leaky gut, airborne allergies and food sensitivities, there's a lot less energy available for sex drive and ovulation!

Dr. Tom O'Bryan of thedr.com has found the product Immunolox (i.e. PRP spray) to be beneficial to brain health by reducing inflammation. He recommends for 'aging adults' and children with ADD.

Using these two supplements together will be a 1 month course for mild cases, and two months for severe cases. The cost per month is about $70. They are both easy to take, BUT you also need to remove offending foods and habits during this month!

To summarize, consider colostrum products for:

Leaky gut
Food sensitivities
Airborne allergies
Optimal health for fertility

Supplement protocols, along with diet and lifestyle adjustments, are what I love to create with my clients.  See our website for opportunities to schedule and co-create your own custom protocol.


Bridgit Danner, LAc

Functional Women's Health Practitioner