Sun and Sunscreen: Skin Cancer Prevention with Dr. Keira Barr — Bridgit Danner, Functional Health Coach & Detox Expert

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Sun and Sunscreen: Skin Cancer Prevention with Dr. Keira Barr

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Dr. Keira Barr is a dermatologist, uthor, eader, peaker n educato i e ield. In this episode we talk about the skin (which is the largest organ of the body), sun exposure, skin cancer and using sun screen.

Here's what you'll hear:

Min 02:10 Introduction to Dr. Keira Barr & her skin history
Min 07:20 The skin as the largest body organ
Min 08:15 The skin and mind-body connection
Min 13:00 HPA access in the skin
Min 15:50 Stress & believes and their effects on the skin
Min 18:20 Listening to your body & skin
Min 23:50 Types of skin cancers
Min 31:20 When to see a dermatologist
Min 33:30 Factors contributing to skin cancer

Min 35:45 The right amount of sun exposure
Min 42:35 How to use sunscreen & spray sunscreens
Min 47:35 Sleep and melatonin

To learn more about Dr. Keira Barr, visit her website here and follow her on social media:


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Thanks for listening,

Bridgit Danner,

Founder of Women's Wellness Collaborative